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Certain foods and lifestyle choices are associated with increased acid production in the stomach resulting in increased acid reflux in the esophagus. To prevent heartburn, avoid foods and beverages that may trigger your symptoms. Foods to avoid with acid reflux

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Carbonated Beverages
  • Chocolate
  • Tomato sauces
  • Spicy or fatty foods
  • Fried foods
  • Full fat dairy products
  • Milk and milk-based products containing calcium and fat, within two hours of bedtime
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint
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What you eat actually causes heartburn. Some people get heartburn when they eat Hot Dogs and spaghetti. The process of digestion causes heartburn.

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Why does too much cause heartburn?

What you eat actually causes heartburn. Some people get heartburn when they eat Hot Dogs and spaghetti. The process of digestion causes heartburn.

Can antibiotic cause heartburn?

Yes...they can. I have been on Clindamycin and it causes me heartburn quite badly

Does Greek yogurt causes heartburn?

yes it does

Can apple causes heartburn?

Most fruits (and their juices) are acidic, and any acid foods can contribute to heartburn.

Can oatmeal cause heartburn during pregnancy?

Honey, anything in the world causes heartburn during pregnancy.

What can cause heartburn?

There are several causes of heartburn. Some of the most frequent causes are from eating fatty and fried foods, eating tomatoes or tomato based foods or drinking alcohol.

What causes your chest to burn expecially when you eat?

heartburn, take some tums

Can you drink pepsi with heartburn?

As with most things, pepsi in moderation should be OK, but excessive consumption of any cola can contribute to heartburn. Colas contain carbonic acid (that causes the fizz) and caffeine, and both of these can aggravate heartburn.

Is heartburn and gastritis the same?

They may overlap, but they are not the same. Heartburn is gastric reflux into the esophagus. Gastritis is a generalized term for any type of inflammation ("itis") from the esophagus to the anus (the "gastric" track). There can be any number of causes. "Gastritis" is generalized, heartburn is specific.

Causes of heartburn?

Heartburn is often caused by the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus, leading to irritation. It can be triggered by factors such as certain foods, obesity, smoking, or pregnancy. Other causes may include hiatal hernia, excessive alcohol consumption, or certain medications.