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Please don't use toothpaste on acne ,it would dry it but the chemicals in paste Will harm the already inflamed skin,so use a proper acne wash or adapalene gel.

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Q: What kind of toothpaste do you use for putting on acne sores?
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Can you use toothpaste to get read of acne?

Well, I've heard if you put a little bit of toothpaste on a acne sore or scab and leave it on till morning that it will dry it up im not sure if it get completely rid of the acne i havent tried it and right now im wondering the same question but i dont know what kind of toothpaste your suppose to use.

Will Colgate toothpaste make pimples go away?

No, using Colgate on acne spots will not necessarily improve your skin. Toothpaste will have a drying effect though, and could cause further irritation, peeling, and redness. To more effectively treat acne, use a formula specifically for skin, such as benzoyl peroxide.

How does toothpaste help your pimples?

What it does is it dries out your pimple(s) and kills the pathogens in the puss! [Because toothpaste contains a substace that gets rid of pimples (acne)] Tips/Warnings: Make sure its the paste kind not the gel kind. And make sure its white, the other leading brands don't have that substance that help you acne.

Does toothpaste help clear out pimples?

Usually, it does. It only works with a toothPASTE not toothpaste (the gel kind). I would recommend using Crest (the regular mint kind). What it does is it crusts up and dries (I would leave it on either overnight or 3-4 hours at a time. After you wake up (or time is up) wash your toothpaste off and put on some lotion. That should do it!

Does toothpaste get rid of acne?

ToothpasteDOES NOT cure acne... I have a bad case of acne and have tried every cure in the book including Proactiv*.... Toothpaste, if at the most, will just make your acne problems worse... The only cure i have found for acne so far is Spectro AcneCare deep pore vanishing lotion.... i think i payed under $10 for a 25 ml bottle... You can get it at any drug store... GOOD LUCK :)

What is injestible toothpaste?

Injestible toothpaste: The kind that won't hurt you if swallowed.

What kind of moisturizer should you use if i have acne?

Neutrogena's Acne Wash.

What kind of toothpaste should you use to fix the scratches off a DVD?

The say the white kind of cheap chalky toothpaste

Are pimples or acne contagious?

Acne is the any kind of blemish on usally your face

What kind of tuba can't you play?

When I was a bit younger the answer to this was always 'A tuba toothpaste' (a tube of toothpaste).

What kind of toothpaste?

Colgate is the best brand

What kind of herb flavors toothpaste?
