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The pancreas is an organ. It is one of the unique organs that have both endocrine and exocrine functions.

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simple cuboidal epithelial tissue

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Q: What kind of tissue does the pancreas have?
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What kind of tissue is the pancreas?

it is not a type of tissue it is a organ

What gland has more exocrine than endocrine tissue?

The pancreas has more exocrine tissue than endocrine tissue. The exocrine tissue in the pancreas produces digestive enzymes that are released into the digestive system, while the endocrine tissue produces hormones such as insulin and glucagon that regulate blood sugar levels.

What is the pancreas made of?

The pancreas is made up of glandular tissue and a system of ducts

What type of tissue makes the pancreas?

The pancreas is made up of two main types of tissue: exocrine tissue, which produces digestive enzymes, and endocrine tissue, which produces hormones like insulin and glucagon.

What is exocrine tissue?

Exocrine tissue belongs in the pancreas of a human body. It actually makes up 99 percent of the weight of the human pancreas.

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Then you take him to the doctor.

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Would you expect to see strands of connective tissue within the pancreas and liver?

Because blood vessels are embedded in the pancreas and liver

Why would you expect to see strands of connective tissue within the pancreas and liver?

Because blood vessels are embedded in the pancreas and liver