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Q: What kind of signal do the eyes detect?
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Compound eyes detect motion, and simple eyes detect light. or The compound eyes are used to "see". The simple eyes are used to detect light intensity.

How do we experience color?

Our eyes have severl million sensory cells which can detect the light waves coming from any object and on the basis of wavelength of that waves brain transmit the colour signal to the cells of eyes..

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Tears are produced by the lacrimal glands in response to emotions, irritants, or to moisturize the eyes. When our eyes detect something irritating, a signal is sent to the brain which triggers the release of tears to help protect and lubricate the eyes.

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my head

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What form of radiation can your eyes detect?

Your eyes can detect visible light, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation that falls within a specific range of wavelengths. This is why your eyes are sensitive to colors and brightness levels in the environment.

What is minimum detectable signal in a radar system?

The minimum detectable signal in a radar system is the weakest signal that the system can detect reliably against background noise. It is determined by the receiver's sensitivity and the signal-to-noise ratio of the system. A lower minimum detectable signal indicates that the radar system can detect weaker signals.

What is detector mount in waveguide and its function?

used to detect the microwave signal

What kind of eiectromagnetic waves you can not detect with your eyes?

Everything except visible light (cosmic, X-rays, radio, infra-red, ultra-violet, etc.).

What do scientists use to detect when a waterspout forms?

Their eyes

What structer in your eyes detect brightness?

with swag 101