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Q: What kind of muscle is thick in the middle and tapered at each end?
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How does a muscle contact according to the sliding-filament model of muscle contraction?

When skeletal (or cardiac) muscle contracts, the thin and thick filaments in each sarcomereslide along each other without their shortening, thickening, or folding.

How are proteins organized in sarcomere?

Proteins in the sarcomere are organized into thick filaments made of myosin and thin filaments made of actin. These filaments overlap and slide past each other during muscle contraction. Other proteins like troponin and tropomyosin are also present to regulate the interaction between actin and myosin.

A sarcomere is?

A sarcomere is the basic contractile unit of a muscle fiber, consisting of overlapping actin and myosin filaments. It is responsible for muscle contraction by shortening in response to nerve stimulation.

How does a muscle contract according to the sliding-filament model of muscles contraction?

When skeletal (or cardiac) muscle contracts, the thin and thick filaments in each sarcomereslide along each other without their shortening, thickening, or folding.

What happens when thin filaments in a muscles fiber slide over the thick filament?

Contraction or relaxation of muscle fibre, due to similar effect in sarcomere

The end of the muscle that moves when a muscle contracts?

Histological PerspectiveBoth ends of the muscle are pulled together. This is because each muscle fiber is divided into contractile units called sarcomeres. Each sarcomere is composed of layers of thin and thick filaments, Actin and Myosinrespectively. The thick filaments, myosin, are located in the center of the sarcomere, a region called the A-Band. On either side of each A-Band, is a region called the I-Band. The I-Band is primarily composed of the thin filaments (Actin), although the thin filaments do overlap with the thick filaments within a sub region of the A-band called the zone of overlap.As the muscle contracts the thick filaments pull the thin filaments together on either side, resulting in the apparent contraction of the muscle on both sides.Gross Anatomical Perspective.However, because a muscle is anchored at the origin of the stationary bone while its other end attaches at the insertion of the articulating bone and the net force of the contracting muscle pulls the insertion of the muscle to its origin.It follows that: The correct answer is toward the origin.

What are worms called that are smooth and tapered at each end?

Round Worms.

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A prism, curved and tapered to a point at each end.

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Name given to contracting units of muscle fibers?

The name given to contracting units of muscle fibers is sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are the basic functional units of skeletal muscles and they contain overlapping thick and thin filaments that slide past each other during muscle contraction.

Why are the cans used for canned salmon tapered?

Many small canneries in Alaska and Canada do not manufacture their own cans. Tapered cans are stacked inside each other to save space when shipping to the cannery.

Cost of tapering jeans?

I just tapered three of my jeans today and each cost US$20