No medication is necessary, Menopause will come on without meds and will complete the cycle in a few years.
If you are seeking help for the relief of the many symptoms
Fatigue, Memory loss, Moody, Grumpy, feeling like Jekyll & Hyde in a dress, Vaginal dryness, NO SEX drive or enjoyment, Hot flashes, insomnia, Joint pain, weight gain, dry everything! migraines, Irritability, Muscle loss,
Then some form of Hormone Replacement Therapy will be in order. There are many pills, patches & creams that are offered & most are ineffective. Pellet therapy may be the best therapy to get rid of the symptoms.
turtle medicine
Try an herb called Vitex instead.
Are you of an age to be experiencing the onset of menopause? This could explain your symptoms. Otherwise, if the problem continues, check with a doctor.
Laudanum in the Shootist
A donkey would have to take an ASSpirin for it to be effective.
The effect of the skin menopause is that the skin wounds take longer to cure.
That are not many steps that you can take to delay menopause. Menopause is just something that happens to your body. You should try to stay as healthy as possible.
No, you can't still ovulate after menopause. Menopause is the process by which a woman's body comes to the end of it's reproductive years and the woman stops producing eggs. Although menopause can take years, once through menopause there is no more ovulation.
If it is the wrong kind it can keep you up but otherwise no.
father johns
You would need a medical degree. how long dose it take and what kind of classes do you need to take
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