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Their handwriting is no better or no worse than anybody elses. Sociopaths are not different outwardly in any way, it is their behaviour that shows the signs of the condition.

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Q: What kind of handwriting does a sociopath have?
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Changing handwriting every so often is a symptoms of being sociopath?

Well.. I've never heard that one before. From what I know the handwriting of a sociopath is no different to the handwriting of a 'normal' person. Do 'normal' people not change their hand writing every now and again? People get bored of the same thing and so they try to do something different. If that were a symptom then about 80% of the population would be sociopaths. Changing handwriting frequently can equally be a sign of 'instability' or 'creativity' - of itself it is neither good nor bad, apparently there are several hundred factors that go into proper 'handwriting analysis', which is not a foolproof science. Some multiples have a different handwriting for every person within the system, and so the changing of handwriting would be expected.

What kind of mate would be attractive to a female sociopath?

These are meant to be questions regarding birds, not your love life.

What kind of psychopath does Sherlock call himself in a study in pink?

He says he is not a psychopath but a "high functioning sociopath".

Is there any kind of legal recourse for the victim of a sociopath?

i don't think so, unless you did something against the law.

What is a sentence with the word sociopath?

The sociopath lacked empathy and manipulated others for personal gain.

How do you live with a sociopath?

You don't. Get as far away from a sociopath as you possibly can.

Who has the best handwriting in the world?

Handwriting is subjective, and what constitutes the "best" handwriting can vary. However, some calligraphers or penmanship enthusiasts like Jake Weidmann are known for their exceptional handwriting skills.

Can a female sociopath be a nurse?

ANSWER:Yes a woman can become a Sociopath, even a man. This will depends on what kind of background a person have. People that become this sick has pattern and sometimes it does start when they are young. They probably got hurt, or worst so when someone become this way the only thing we all can do is medication , understanding, support, and love..

Do girls have better penmanship than boys?

Usually it is so that girls have more potential in handwriting and penmanship than boys do, but that is just someone's opinion. It depends on what kind of handwriting you prefer. It also may differ in different places.

What is the closest meaning to the word italics?

Italic: of the sloping kind of typeface used esp. for emphasis or distinction and in foreign words. A handwriting modeled on 16th-century Italian handwriting, typically cursive and sloping and with elliptical or pointed letters.

How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.