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Being "numb" can mean being depressed. You don't have to be sad to be depressed.

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Q: What kind of disorder would you have if you had panic attacks you go out of your head for a week and you have a point of anger where you lose complete control But your not depressed just numb?
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Will panic attacks go away?

Panic attacks, (being attacks,) are not permanent. However they are indicative of an underlying panic or anxiety disorder, and if the causative disorder is severe enough (acute chronic hyper-anxiety,) it is essentially the same as a persistent panic attack.

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A study comparing 52 hospitalized depressed and adjustment disorder children and adolescents with a control group that viewed relaxation videotapes, found massage therapy subjects were less depressed and anxious.

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Some good books about panic disorder include "Don't Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks" by R. Reid Wilson, "The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by Edmund J. Bourne, and "When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life" by David D. Burns. Each of these books offers insights, strategies, and techniques for managing panic disorder effectively.

What results can be expected from a labyrinthectomy?

Labyrinthectomy results in the highest rates of control of vertigo attacks, however, it also causes complete deafness in the affected ear.

Can you control panic attacks?


How would someone suffering from anxiety learn to control panic attacks?

Someone suffering from anxiety can learn how to control their panic attacks by learning the signs and symptoms of panic attacks and learning relaxation techniques and how to control breathing. You can learn more about anxiety and panic attacks at the WebMD website.

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How common are Impulse control disorder?

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Is MCAT really dangerous?

No just wakes you up even if your doing huge lines all night it just wakes you up and your in complete control but the next morning you feel depressed and you sweat it out so you smell of it

What are some symptoms of a person that suffers from a compulsive overeating disorder?

Symptoms of compulsive overeating disorder include frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating where the person feels out of control. Compulsive overeaters will eat even past the point when they are comfortably full. Much of their thought is about food and they may fantasize about eating alone. Bingeing is usually followed by guilt and depressed thoughts.

How often do bipolars switch from mania to depressed?

Bipolar disorder is characterized by slow mood swings over periods of several days to several months, depending on the person. More rapid swings are not bipolar disorder, and are often chemically induced. They are common in drug users and people with pre-diabetic conditions, or diabetics whose blood glucose is not under control.