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I wont tell you hahahahah

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Q: What kind of blood do scorpions have?
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Do scorpions taste like crab?

Tarantulas taste kind of like crab, but scorpions are slightly more bitter and fishy.

Do scorpions change colors when they get mad?

=no. their blood just flows faster.=

What kind of animals do meerkats eat?

Insects, scorpions, small snakes.

Can a spider possibly eat scorpions?

yes it depends on what kind they are but yes they can.

What kind of birds eat scorpions?

dersert birds that are higher pedators

What kind of animals live in Bethlehem judea?

scorpions and maybe rattle snakes (:

What kind of species that live in the desert?

rattle snakes, scorpions, sideways snakes,

What kind are some kinds of arachnids?

Some of them are ticks, spiders, mites, and scorpions.