A vaginal yeast infection is a type of vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina - characterized by vaginal irritation, intense itchiness and vaginal discharge. A vaginal yeast infection affects your vagina and the tissues at the opening to your vagina (vulva). Vaginal yeast infection - also called vaginal candidiasis - is very common. As many as 3 out of 4 women experience a yeast infection at some point in their lifetimes. Many women experience two or more yeast infections.
What are vaginla yeast infection symtpoms?
Yeast infection symptoms can range from mild to moderate and include:
- Itching and irritation in the vagina and at the entrance to the vagina (vulva)
- A burning sensation, especially during intercourse or while urinating
- Redness and swelling of the vulva
- Vaginal pain and soreness
- Thick, white, odor-free vaginal discharge with a cottage cheese appearance
And yeast infection could be cured by herbal medicine "fuyan pill".
When we talk about a yeast infection in women we're normally talking about a vaginal/vulva yeast infection - although yeast infections can occur elsewhere in the body. The vagina/vulva naturally contains yeast which is normally kept under control by hydrogen peroxide produced by certain strains of bacteria (also naturally occurring in the vagina/vulva), sometimes flora is thrown off balance so the yeast are allowed to overgrow...and thus a yeast infection.
Vinegar will not clear a yeast infection. It will only increase your discomfort.
A yeast infection is not a sign of chlamydia.
It depends which part of the body you are talking about for you can have a yeast infection: In your vagina, in your mouth; under your tongue, on your tongue, between your gums and cheeks, on your fingers and toes.
do you smell bad? then you might have a yeast infection. are you having nasty discharge? then you might have a yeast infection. are you having vaginal pain? then you might a yeast infection.
There are different types of fungal infections.A yeast infection is a specific type of fungal infection (candida yeast).
Yeast infection is caused by fungi, not by a virus.
Can I still get a yeast infection after a hysterectomy?
* There are several reasons for cramps but it has nothing to do with yeast infection. * Yes, it can be related to yeast infection.
Yes. He can get a yeast infection on his penis, or if he performs oral, he could get thrush, which is a yeast infection in the mouth.
A yeast infection is caused by a fungus, and staph by a bacterium; but a yeast infection of the skin can cause skin compromise that makes it easier for a staph infection to occur.
Yes as it kills the infection the yeast multiplies.
No. Erythromycin is one of the cause of yeast infection.