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Of course, your doctor will be more qualified to tell you. But I take "Esomeprazol", very similar to "Omeprazol". In spite of this, Amoxicillin is putting my reflux out of control.

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Q: What kind of acid reflux medication can I take with Amoxicillin tr-k cvl 125 mg?
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What kind of people are recommended for an anti-reflux diet?

Anti-reflux diets should be started by people who suffer from acid reflux or heartburn. Try to avoid foods that trigger the heartburn, such as highly spiced dishes. A food diary is recommended on several websites to keep track of foods that trigger the acid reflux or heartburn. a very informative site is

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Acid reflux can cause a dog spit a lot due to the refluxes

What diet should I go on to help with acid reflux disease?

The best kind of diet to go on to help with acid reflux is a low-fat, high-protein one. Also a diet plan that lets you eat smaller more frequent meals will aide you.

What kind of diet should someone with acid reflux eat?

People with acid reflux should avoid caffeine, greasy food, grains, sweets and acidic foods. Alcohol can also trigger heartburn, so it should be avoided. has a heartburn section that includes charts listing foods to be avoided, foods to eat with discretion and foods that are safe.

Can milk cause indigestion?

Yes, all dairy products can. Also spicy foods may trigger acid reflux, as well as chocolate. Stop milk for a while and see if your acid reflux goes down. You may want to ask your doctor about Prevacid it works really well. 35mg-75mg.

Where would one find an expert in acid reflux in infants?

It is highly advised to consult doctor or medical professional in these kind of matters which are related to health, especially in a case of infant or small baby.

Living With Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a condition that is caused when acid from the stomach is pushed up into the windpipe. The acid burns the delicate tissue of the esophagus, which causes a very uncomfortable pain for people who suffer from acid reflux. Avoid Eating Before Bed One of the best ways to avoid recurring acid reflux attacks is to pay attention to what time of day you eat your meals. If you eat at least two hours before you lie down to sleep, your stomach will have plenty of time to digest the food while you are in an upright position. Eating less than two hours before sleeping will cause you to lie down before your stomach is finished producing acid to digest your food. If you have experienced acid reflux before, there is an established pathway for the acid to rise up into your esophagus and cause you pain. Watch What Kind of Foods You Eat The types of food you eat have a serious impact on the amount of discomfort you experience. If you eat acidic foods or foods that are difficult to digest, your stomach will produce larger amounts of acid. When there is more acid in your stomach, there is a better chance that it will rise into your esophagus and create an acid reflux attack. Try to eat foods that are easy for your stomach to digest and do not contain large amounts of acid. You will be more comfortable because your stomach will be able to handle the foods easily. Regulate How Much Food You Eat Acid reflux attacks can also happen because you have eaten too much. When the stomach has more food to digest than it can comfortably handle there is less space for the acid that is being used to digest the food. To make more space, the acid will be pushed up into your esophagus again. Try to eat moderate meals that are filling instead of large meals that make you uncomfortable. Eating more slowly can also help you avoid acid reflux attacks. When you allow your stomach to digest the food a little at a time there will be less need to push the acid up into your esophagus.

Which kind of medication works fastest?

What do you mean by kind of medication? The fastest way to introduce medication is IV...

What kind of medication is metoclopramide?

ANSWER- This drug has multiple uses. It is prescribed for: nausea, vomiting and heartburn assosiated with diabetes; ulcers; anorexia; reflux; and occasionally to increase milk production in nursing mothers, among other uses.

What kind off of medication can you get with out prescription?

Hello, A lot of medication.

What kind of nuts can be eaten with acid reflux?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not close properly and stomach contents reflux back up into the esophagus. Nuts should be fine for you to eat. They do contain a lot of fat, but used in small amounts should not provoke your GERD. Any nuts are fine, but with acid reflux it's a good idea to snack on them in small amounts. You might try no more than 1/2 cup at a time. Because they are high in calories, nuts and seeds may help you gain weight, but we know that the monounsaturated fats are really good for you. Take your pick of any favorite nut. Reference

What would be causing my stomach to feel like it's on fire and also feel nausea at the same time?

Sounds like acid reflux. Try eating a peppermint or any kind of antacid or alkaline tablets like tums to help.