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They may not put you on any hormones. The remaining ovary will be enough to make the hormones you need. The doctors will need to do blood tests one in awhile.

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Q: What kind hormones would they put you on after a hysterectomy with one ovary left?
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What kind of exercises can you do following vaginal hysterectomy?

The Pilates Method pelvic floor connection is a fabulous place to start.

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The scientific term for when the pollen enters the ovary is "pollination." This process is essential for fertilization and reproduction in plants.

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Can you have a full hysterectomy if you have a tooth infection?

Unless it is an emergency, you should not have any kind of surgery with any kind of infection. Talk to the doctor about getting the tooth infection and perhaps even the cause of the infection, cleared up before scheduling your hysterectomy. If the surgery needs to be done immediately, it is important the doctor know about the tooth infection prior to the surgery.

What kind of molecules are most hormones?

There are several types.Some are proteins,,Some are ammines and some are steroids

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None. Hormones in your body decide that.

What kind of tissue is a human ovary?

A human ovary is primarily composed of ovarian tissue, which consists of ovarian follicles, stroma, and blood vessels. Ovarian follicles contain the oocytes (immature eggs) and support cells necessary for egg development and hormone production.

T4 and T3 are what kind of hormones that mainly transport in the blood?

T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine) are thyroid hormones that mainly travel bound to carrier proteins in the blood, such as thyroxine-binding globulin and albumin. Only a small percentage of these hormones are unbound and free to enter cells and exert their physiological effects.

When can you clean your house after a hysterectomy?

Depending upon what kind of hysterectomy you have, recovery can be fast or slow. Conventional hysterectomy requires a 6 week recovery time with no sex (bummer). Laparoscopichysterectomy is usually shorter between 2-3 weeks. A woman I know had sex 1 week after a laparoscopic hysterectomy but had bleeding occur. She recovered fine though.

Which gland secretes the most kind of hormones?

adrenal , hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid adrenal , hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid