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They are kept clean by the little hairs inside your lungs that brush away all the dirt from your lungs, if you would like more answers to any questions that you may have that you need answering wether they are from how to cook a zebra to what how many geometictoric tonnes are in the earth?

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11y ago
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15y ago

To make your lungs clean, one should avoid smoking especially the passive smoking,

avoid allergens ,dust, chemicals and pollution.

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15y ago

Don't smoke, don't live in a city, keep away from dangerous chemical fumes, avoid industrial dusts and for that matter dust in general. and most of all have sex all the time

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10y ago

Don't smoke, do't be around heavy or even "mild" smokers.

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13y ago

By breathing clean air and exercising by deep breaths

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13y ago

Amazingly, mucus keeps your lungs clean but when you smoke more mucus is need to clean out the smoke in the lungs that's why smoker let out so much mucus.

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Cillia are small hairs that have the function of "sweeping" tubes in our bodies. The cillia in our lungs sweep dust and other impurities towards our throat. Usually at night and in our sleep we cough or clear our throat and swallow this mucous. Yuk, but keeps our lungs clean.

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The lungs do not clean dirty blood, although they do allow excess carbon dioxide to escape into the air. Dirty blood is filtered by the kidneys, not the lungs.

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Do the lungs clean dirty blood?

The lungs do not clean dirty blood, although they do allow excess carbon dioxide to escape into the air. Dirty blood is filtered by the kidneys, not the lungs.

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help u breathe The respiratory system includes the heart and lungs. The lungs take in oxygen which pumps blood through the whole human body and to the heart. This process keeps the heart pumping which keeps you alive.

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