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It is the average length of time it takes for a fertilized egg to turn into an offspring. The fetus gestates during that time.

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Q: What it means number of weeks of gestation?
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Weeks gestation

How many weeks does gestation last in mares?

45 The average gestation for a mare can range between 320-370, or about 46 weeks to about 53 weeks.

What do you mean by 'term gestation'?

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The gestation period of the Springbok is 24 weeks.

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The gestation period of a barracuda is 10 - 12 weeks.

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Gravida 3 para 0 plus 1?

As far as i can see this doesn't add up. The Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology explains the terminology as follows: Gravida x, para a + b x= the total number of pregnancies (including this one) a= the number of births beyond 24 weeks gestation b= the number of miscarriages or termination of pregnancies before 24 weeks gestation Given this information, your example means that your lady has had 3 pregnancies (including the current pregnancy if she is currently pregnant). Para 0 means none of the pregnancies were delivered beyond 24 weeks. There has been one termination before 24 weeks. There is therefore one pregnancy unaccounted for in this example.

What is gestation on Howrse?

Gestation means pregnancy.

What is the gestation period for a gaot?

About 22 weeks