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Hello. It is difficult to say what could be the problem sweetheart. But you definitely need to see your doctor and also a gynaecologist or even a ednocronologist (sp). It sounds to me like you may have PCOS or a fertility problem or a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances can cause long standing delayed periods See the doctor asap. Good luck.

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Q: What is wrong if you have not gotten your period in the 3 years since you have been off the pill and you have been having unprotected sex but have never gotten pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant if you just got off your period and you have been having discharges of sperm?

Simple answer, if u have sex unprotected you can get pregnant. even if your on your period,

If you have unprotected sex 11 days before you were due your period could you get pregnant and then get your period when they were due 11 days after having unprotected sex?

"If you have unprotected sex 11 days before you were due your period could you get pregnant" Yes. because the womb has not bled out yet, and it still open. I don't think you can get pregnant and get your period at the same time, If that happened, the baby died. and you need to see a doctor. Are you under-age? The way to tell if your pregnant, Is if you missed your period, Irregularity does not mean you are having a child.

What are the chances of being pregnant if your having a regular period?

when a person is having unprotected sex, the chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, no matter what the regulation of periods or ovulation dates are.

Can you be pregnant if you don't have a period the week after?

if you are having unprotected sex, your chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, do not count on a 'safe time" or ovulation dates.

Can 12 years olds get pregnant?

It depends. If you have gotten your period or have had intercourse, then yes. If not, then no.

Could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

Can you get pregnant after you had unprotected sex but get your period?

yes you can

You had unprotected sex while you were on your period are you pregnant?


My belly has gotten big and I havent gotten my period yet does it mean I'm pregnant?

Unless you have been eating more, exercised less or the period is late you can be as long as you've had unprotected sex. The easy way to find out is buying a test at the store.

If I had unprotected sex on the day I was already a week late for my period but now 7 days later I still havent gotten my period what are the chances I'm pregnant?

50/100 or 40/100

What are the of being pregnant one day after your period when having unprotected sexs?

The odds are very low that you would be pregnant having sex so soon after your period. Not impossible, but ovulation (your fertile time) usually happens within 2 weeks after the start of your period.

Can you be pregnant if you had unprotected sex the day after your period?
