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well if you mean chewing tobaco it can cause much more problems then nomal cigerettes because your holding it in your mouth cause damage to your gums and teeth.

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Q: What is worse smoking tobacco or smokeless tobacco?
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Can you become addicted to smokeless tobacco?

No. Becuse even if you take smokeless tobacco on a plane then you will get in trouble because even though it's smokeless it's still not safe when on a plane.

The average does of smokeless tobacco contains?

The nicotine does in smokeless tobacco is at least double that of the amount in a cigarette. That is what makes it so much more addictive than smoking cigarettes.

Which is one reason smokeless tobacco users often turn to smoking?

Smoking provides more nicotine with each dose.

What is the difference between smoke and smokeless tobacco?

Smoking Tobacco you smoke and smokeless tobacco is placed between the lip and gum. It sits there and causes you to work up saliva which is what you spit. You asorb the nicotine through your lips and gums.

Which are not smokeless tobacco products?

Chewing tobacco is a form of smokeless tobacco. It is placed between the cheek and gums, allowing the nicotine to be absorbed through the oral mucosa. Other types of smokeless tobacco are snuff, snus, and dissolvable tobacco products. Despite being marketed as an alternative to smoking, chewing tobacco in India still pose significant health risks like oral cancer and addiction. For more information please visit The Tobacco Institute of India website now.

How many carbs are in kodiak smokeless tobacco?

There are no calories in smokeless tobacco.

Why do people use smokeless tobacco?

Some think its a safe alternative to smoking..BUT IT ISN'T.. but it does not harm your lungs tho

Where can you buy smokeless tobacco in Poznan Poland?

Poland is in the European Union, as such it is illegal to sell any smokeless tobacco products in the EU, the only exceptions being the Nordic countries of the EU (chiefly Sweden) as smokeless tobacco use in Scandinavia is as culturally relevant there as smoking tobacco and is often used to help with smoking cessation there. So the short answer is you can't buy it anywhere in Poland. The long answer however, is that it is possible to have it shipped from Sweden or from the United States or Canada (the only 1st world nations to actually allow the sale of smokeless tobacco domestically) through mail order via the Internet.

Is chewing tobacco a safe substitute for smoking?

no it is worse for u. u can die from it more than smoking

Do you die faster if you chew or smoke tobacco?

Yes. Smoking decreases life expectancy by 8.8 years, on average, in heavy smokers. Users of smokeless tobacco have a higher life expectancy, since orally ingesting tobacco does not damage the respiratory system. Snus, a form of smokeless tobacco, statistically only decreases life expectancy by several weeks. If you want to maximize your life expectancy, do not use tobacco. If you are unable to quit tobacco, switching to smokeless tobacco will increase your life expectancy significantly.

Is smoking tobacco worse for your health than drinking alcohol?

Most definitley.

Is there the same amount of nicotine in smokeless tobacco and a cigarette?

Dipping half a can of snuff a day is the nicotine equivalency of smoking 60 cigaretts a day.