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Urethrorrhea is an abnormal discharge.

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Q: What is urethrorrhea?
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A word with -orrhea at the end?

Here's a few: albuminorrhea amenorrhea amniorrhea amyxorrhea angiorrhea archorrhea balanoblennorrhea blennorrhea blennotorrhea blepharoblennorrhea blepharopyorrhea bromomenorrhea bronchoblennorrhea bronchorrhea celiorrhea cholorrhea coeliorrhea colporrhea creatorrhea cystorrhea dacryoblenorrhea dacryocystoblennorrhea dacryohemorrhea dacryopyorrhea dacyorrhea dermatorrhea dysmenorrhea enterorrhea eumenorrhea galactorrhea gastroalbuminorrhea gastroblennorrhea gastrohydrorrhea gastromyxorrhea gastrorrhea gastrosuccorrhea gonorrhea graphorrhea hematorrhea hemorrhea hepatorrhea hydrorrhea hypermenorrhea ichorrhea laryngorrhea leucorrhea leukorrhea lochiorrhea logorrhea lymphorrhea melanorrhea meningorrhea menorrhea metrorrhea mucorrhea myxorrhea oligomenorrhea omphalorrhea ophthalmoblennorrhea ophthalmorrhea othemorrhea otoblennorrhea otopyorrhea otorrhea pleurorrhea proctorrhea prostatorrhea ptyalorrhea pyorrhea rhinorrhea saccharogalactorrhea saccharorrhea seborrhea sialorrhea spermatorrhea steatorrhea succorrhea trichorrhea tuborrhea ulorrhea urethroblennorrhea urethrorrhea urorrhea

Does urethrorrhea mean bleeding from the urethra?

I would say no, it's not normal and to get it checked by a doctor. But how can you tell where it's coming from? It may just seem that way.I new kinda that would be your answer,but it definetly is comin from there,i feel the warm flow,like im urinating comin from there and from where the blood is on the pad,its for sure,thanks for your responseIt could be a symptom of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. I had a dear friend who literally bled from her belly button, and this was the case with her. Please go to a DR.I am having the same problem since three months. For the past three cycles I had bleeding from urethra, it stops once my period ends. From the next day I get some watery discharge and it is slightly yellow in color. Also I find that my urethra is swollen and the swelling has been increasing since three months.Is this serious? I had googled a lot to find the cause of this problem but could not find a relevant one. Can someone help?FinalUrethral bleeding is NEVER a good thing , period or not. It can indicate anything from a bladder or kidney infection,to a uterine tear from a coil-type contraceptive , to cancer. I really don't mean to be an alarmist ,but your health , your future reproductive health or even you life may be at stake. This is a sign with myriad possibilities, none of them good .Please go to the doctor ASAP or ER if severe or painful.PLEASE!