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Digested food

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Q: What is turds made of?
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What are green turds?

green turds are made up when someone eats a green thing there for making it green

What is made by green turtle?

Green Turds

Did the Beatles Poop?

Of course they made turds!

Are turds green?

green turds are made up when someone eats a green thing there for making it green

How is tea made in India?

out of turds! just kidding out of tea!

What is Devils Tower National Monument made of?

giant turds

What are Chinese houses made of?

The huts were made of mud brick and dirt ground.

Is coffee drunk in the north of India?

yes it is because its made of turds

How many turds can Godzilla dump?

Depends, how many turds can you eat?

How do you stop greasy turds?

Stop eating so many greasy turds.

What did kwatiutl Indians wear?

mostly turds, they also ate turds as their daily diet.

How many turds in a toliet?

Depends, how many of your fellow turds can you eat you little turd.