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In a trisomy syndrome, an extra chromosome is present so that the individual has three of a particular chromosome instead of the normal pair.

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Q: What is trisomy syndrome?
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What trisomy causes Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by the presence of a third chromosome 21

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A trisomy. A monosomy is when there is only one of a chromosome. A trisomy is when there are three of a chromosome. In Klinefelter's syndrome, there are three sex chromosomes.

What is the relationship between trisomy 21 and Down syndrome?

Trisomy 21 is down's syndrome, which is an extra copy of chromosome 21

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Down's Syndrome is an example of trisomy, where there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. Turner Syndrome and Klinefelter's Syndrome are not trisomies; Turner Syndrome is a monosomy of the X chromosome, and Klinefelter's Syndrome is a trisomy of the sex chromosomes (XXY).

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When Having three copies of chromosomes 21 leads to a disorder known as trisomy 21 or more commonly as?

Down syndrome is trisomy 21

What is Downs Syndrome also called?

Trisomy 21

What is another name for trisomy 18?

Edward's syndrome

What is the scientific name for Down syndrome?

The scientific name for Down syndrome is Trisomy 21, referring to the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 in each cell.

What is another name for down syndrom?

Well Down Syndrome is sometimes called Up Syndrome because most kids with Down Syndrome are very happy.Trisomy 21