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The fact that some scientists know as muchas they now do about the brain of a sociopath means that solving the problem is nolonger an impossible and obscure wish -- it's moving within the realmof concrete possibility.

As soon as large numbers of sociopaths begin to be treated in a waythat actually helps them, that corrects as much as possible the chaosof misdirected signals in their confused and disorganized brains, andthen a form of therapy that in addition to that, by necessity, teachesthem to cope with the resulting maelstrom of emotion and impressionthat was formerly impossible, so that they can put it in order andstart to develop the heretofore dormant and silent segments of theirbrains and better use those formerly mixed-up areas where norecognizable order ruled, THEN THE OTHERS MAY BEGIN TO NOTICE WHAT ISGOING ON...and they will know at least this much: instead of "the kissof death," a diagnosis of ASPD (the DSM-IV way of saying sociopathy orpsychopathy) will lead someplace; that there will be things done thatactually make a difference.

Crippled as they are neurologically, sociopaths are yet shrewd, andthey're always looking out for themselves in a way similar to that of aloner predator. Seeing others like them actually benefitting fromtreatment will have to start persuading them that there's something togain in going for help after all. Not being rejected or met with "Wecan't help you; you're evil incarnate," or the equivalent thinlydisguised in euphemistic psychology jargon; NOT being met with asituation where they'd have to substitute symptoms of an "acceptable"illness in place of those they bear in secret -- that would almostcertainly, if gradually, have an effect: if a sociopath can clearly seea benefit coming from admitting his or her real situation, there'snothing to stop him or her from doing just that.

It's already started to happen, if in a tiny, barely perceptible trickle.

Right now, all science has at the ready for them is to use varioustypes of preexisting medication given in attempts to counteract thechaotic way the brain of a sociopath functions. That and types of talktherapy carefully altered to avoid the pitfalls that have in the pastcaused regular therapies to make sociopaths worse instead of better.But the more that scientists such as Robert Hare and his colleaguesdelve into and experiment with the new types of brain scans andlearning what makes sociopaths tick like human bombs, the more likelythat it becomes with each passing year that a means will soon beisolated to defuse those bombs.

The primary source of a sociopath's infamous rage is frustration,of a sort so alien and so extreme that almost no one else canunderstand what it means.

As if all that isn't bad enough, a true psychopath has an extremelypeculiar brainwave pattern: while awake, their brain waves mostresemble a hybrid of normal waking brain waves and alpha-level sleepwaves.

They seem incapable of producing true beta waves.

And they often tend to sleep deeply, although there are also documented cases of severe insomnia in psychopaths.

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeplyresentful of normal people.

They know they're missing something, andoften spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avengingthemselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy.

So they are nottruly emotionless, but they do not love, do not ever know true joy, and arehostile and destructive.

This ISN'T the work of the Devil; it's Nature gone horribly awry.

Once they start getting taken seriously, thatfrustration, and the wild rage it provokes, will lessen, and since itis a primary source of the constant distrust that makes regular therapyfail sociopaths, the defusing of that rage and its maddening causeswill be a huge step in the right direction.

Sociopaths don't always behave as though they're invulnerable. Somehave said, "You don't know this, but it hurts to be me." Peoplesneeringly say to this, "Another of your miserable lies!" But it is infact a miserable truth.

Being angry at them is understandable, but why do people insist onjustifying their anger by dehumanizing the object of their rage?

Sociopaths may seem like aliens, but they aren't.

Perhaps what reallygalls the others is that when they look at sociopaths, in certain tinyways they see aspects of themselves, for everyone has some antisocialthoughts.

Also, sociopaths hurt a lot of people. What seems to hurt most is the idea that the sociopath is breezing happily through life having ablast while a trail of wounded victims struggle to put their shatteredlives back together.

No sociopath breezes through life. They just know how to make itlook like they do. It's part of the sick game they play because theycan't do much of anything else, as they are.

If sociopathy is treated instead of ignored and shunned, this won't have to happen.

Those who would have been hurt by sociopaths might not be able tofully appreciate that they escaped harm because neuroscience finallyfound a way to treat these people who would otherwise have hurt them,but the thing that makes the most difference is that, in the finalanalysis, they wouldn't have to know, nor fear.

Just as science understands that epilepsy is not demonic possession,that people with dissociative conditions are not harboring ghosts ordevils in their bodies, and that depression is not a "deadly sin," itwould and will be able to prove that sociopathy happens for a reasonand that it can be dealt with. Sociopaths do very bad things. Butbranding them all "pure evil" isn't going to help anyone. It's justmore hate.

I have commented elsewhere that the human brain is the greatest newfrontier in many ways. (Although I certainly have no lack of interestin space.)

Sociopaths, along with other "hopeless cases" like peoplewith Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome, Asperger's, ADD, ADHD,autism, and the schizophrenias, along with more common disorders suchas depression and addiction, and so on, are a mystery, but scientistshave a way of hammering away at mysteries until they unravel them, andthey are well on their way to the core of this one.

If one says that sociopaths aren't worth helping, one rather missesthe point, after all. The price the world pays for not being able tohelp these unhappy people is incalculable.

But it also shows the hopelessness that sociopaths/psychopaths and their behavior make many people feel, itself a mirror-image of the emptiness and meaninglessness that hide always within the psychopath.

To counter that hopelessness, please know these twoincontrovertible points: (1) no, the sociopath who hurt you isn'tgenuinely happy; (2) yes, the massive population of sociopaths the world overwill be able to be treated before long, and possibly the first threadsof that are already starting now.

That will benefitEVERYONE.

Beyond calculation.

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9y ago

Medications are not recommended in the treatment of sociopath but drugs can diminish the violent episodes. People with Anti-Social Personality Disorder also have Attention Deficit\ Hyperactivity Disorder and stimulants are used to treat that such as Ritalin. There are no long term results to study of this approach of using stimulants but they should not be prescribed unless the person is specifically diagnosed with AD\HD and has not responded to other medication. The use of drugs cannot be abused and should be closely monitored.

Sometimes but NOTHING cures sociopathy. Nothing.

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12y ago

There is no medication available to treat sociopathy, a lay term that typically refers to an extreme case of antisocial personality disorder.

The characteristics of antisocial personality disorder, such as habitual lying, lack of empathy, exploitation of others for personal gain, lack of respect for authority, lack of respect for social conventions, and apathy about (but knowledge of) the difference between right and wrong, may stem from an underlying brain disorder but not one that can be treated successfully at the present time. Sometimes antisocial behavior improves as the person ages, but many of the basic traits remain and are resistant to psychotherapy and other forms of treatment.

The best advice is to stay away from these people and let the legal system deal with them.

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14y ago

No. There is no existing cure or treatment for sociopaths. Therapy just makes them worse as they are skilled at charming people and lying to them. They are completely incapable of guilt or remorse for their actions and will only feign guilt as an attempt to gain sympathy.

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12y ago

Sociopathy is a person's personality, and we do not yet have medication for changing personality.

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15y ago

At present sociopathy and its similar cousins, Narcissism, asocial personality disorder and psychopathy, have no notably effective treatment, either chemical or otherwise.

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there is no treatment.

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There is no treatment.

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Many of the medications that people take are also prescribed for our pets, some of which are over-the-counter, and some are by vet prescription only. Antibiotics, antihistamines, analgesics (pain meds), antiemitics (anti-nausea meds), anti-diarrhea meds, sedatives, and insulin (for diabetes) are just a few of the meds that people take that are also prescribed for dogs, and other animals, as well. But always consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog any med that has not already been prescribed by a vet, whether over-the-counter, or not.

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You should only take meds that are prescribed by your doctor for your condition. Sometimes epileptic seizures can be brought on by stress. In that case, epilepsy meds would be appropriate. In either case, you should see your doctor.

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speaking from experience , yes it can, that is why you take the meds as prescribed.

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Medications must only be withdrawn by the doctor who prescribed it originally. To stop giving prescribed meds. without a doctors consent could be dangerous or harmful.

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A person who has been prescribed ADD meds should MOST DEFINITELY take them on weekends if he is going to be driving. Driving requires significant attention to detail and focus and is just as, or more important, than schoolwork when it comes to the meds.

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A good place to find dog medication would be at the 1800 Pet Meds website. It offers cheap dog medication that you may purchase as long as you have a vet prescription for prescribed drugs.

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No, in fact, it's the opposite. There are many more straight sociopaths than gay ones.