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Q: What is the word root for lymph node?
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Related questions

What is a small node of tissue that filters lymph?

A lymph node.

What is the icd code for reactive lymph node?

A reactive lymph node is the same as an enlarged lymph node. Lymph nodes can become enlarged for a variety of reasons, most of which aren't serious. The ICD code for a reactive lymph node is 785.6.

What is para aortic prominent lymph node?

A paraaortic prominent lymph node is a lymph node more noticable than the others and found near the aorta.

What is the difference between an incision and excision of lymph nodes?

The difference between incision and excision of lymph nodes is very simple. The incision of a lymph node is when the biopsy only takes part of the lymph node during surgery. The excision of the lymph node is when the whole lymph node is removed.

What is the significance of sentinel lymph node?

A sentinel lymph node is the first lymph node that drains a cancer. If a cancer has not spread to the first draining lymph node near a cancer, there is a high likelihood it has not spread elsewhere.

Lump on your neck what can it be?

possibly an swollen lymph node possibly an swollen lymph node

What is a fatty hilum?

A fatty hilum is a region of connective tissue within a lymph node that contains an accumulation of fat. It is a normal part of lymph node anatomy and serves to provide support and structure to the lymph node.

What is reactive lymph node?

It's a lymph node that drains an inflamed area. The source of the inflammation can be bacterial-viral infection, immunological disease, or malignancy.

What distinguishes a sentinel node from other nodes?

A sentinel lymph node is the first lymph node that drains a cancer. If a cancer has not spread to the first draining lymph node near a cancer, there is a high likelihood it has not spread elsewhere.

What is most important in stage determination and regional lymph node involvement?

Of primary importance to stage determination and regional lymph node involvement is identification and analysis of the sentinel lymph node.

What is a superficial lymph node?

A lymph node is a small ball or an oval-shaped organ of the immune system.

Is the eye a lymph node?
