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The white stuff is called pus

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Q: What is the white thing in pimples?
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Do pimples have a white tip on them?

It depends on how they form. All pimples are is dead skin under your living skin. That's why pimples appear white. Most normal pimples have a white tip to them when the dead skin reaches the surface and bubbles out. "Blackheads" are like pimples, but they are a space of where dirt or other dirty substancehas entered one's skin through popping of a pimple. So, yes, pimples have white tips on them when they reach the surface of your skin.

Is popping pimples good thing to do?


What are the hard white bumps that break out like pimples on your chin but when you pop them a hard white thing comes out instead of puss?

Those are seeds that's are stuck in your pours . That's why it causes a bump.

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What was the worst thing about the middle ages?

The WORST thing is you get LOTS of pimples . It's pretty bad!

Do white head pimples leave a scar?

No, if they are white it means they are getting healthier. DO NOT pop them or they WILL leave a scar.

How big are the white pimples on the male goldfish?

About the size of a small pin head.

Do pimples go after marriage?

No, There is no such thing but the main cause of pimples is dehydration and clogged pores. To get rid of pimples drink plenty of water in a day. Also, wrap ice in a cloth and put it on affected area for few seconds.

Is it bad to pop pimples on your penis Im 14 and just got one so i dont know if this is a bad thing or what?

I would suggest waiting until it's a white head, then go for it.

Can crest 3d white mouthwash get rid of pimples?

yes as long as it is the white paste and does not have any stripes of different color in it.

Another word for acne?

blemishes and zits pimples black heads white heads

What if you 3 years old and have a couple little bumps on your tummy that look like pimples but when you squeeze them a little white ball comes out what is this?

The white liquid is bacteria that gets in your pores and clogs them, so they raise up and become what people ccall pimples.