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Q: What is the weight of baby in 1st 2nd and 3rd trimester?
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What trimester in pregnancy can you figure out the gender of the baby?

2nd trimester

Match each stage of pregnancy with its corresponding description A First trimester Marked by the growth and maturation of the fetus's organs and body systems B Second trimester All of the baby's?

1st trimester- all of the baby's body structures and systems develop 2nd trimester- marked by the grown and masturbation of the fetus's organs and body systems. 3rd trimester- the fetal systems continue to grow and mature also the time of the greatest weight gain

Do you gain weight in early pregnant?

No. It usually isn't until the 2nd trimester.

During the first trimester of pregnancy can you feel the baby and if so what does it feel like?

Most likely you will not feel the baby move until the 2nd trimester. If you felt the baby move in the first trimester, it would be in the 3rd month and you would feel a little tickle or flutter near your bladder.

Will taking low dosage of a benzo in second trimester hurt the baby?

Taking a low dosage of a Benzo medication, such as Ativan, can hurt a baby in the 2nd trimester. However, a doctor may determine that the benefits outweigh the risks in some cases.

Is it safe to finish inside while you're in your first trimester?

It's always ok. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

How do i know i am healthy in the 2nd trimester?

You are healthy in your second trimester of pregnancy if the baby is growing right.You are healthy in your second trimester of pregnancy if the baby is growing right.You are healthy in your second trimester of pregnancy if the baby is growing right.You are healthy in your second trimester of pregnancy if the baby is growing right.

What are the different stages of a fetus?

During the 1st trimester, all the major body organs form. The heart begins to beat at 4 weeks, and by the end of the 1st trimester fetal heart sounds are able to be heard. During the 2nd trimester, the fetus looks like a baby, the sex of the baby can be determined, and sometime between the 16th-20th weeks the mother will begin to feel the baby's movements. The baby will become more active. Hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes develop. During the 3rd trimester, the baby develops the ability to breathe as surfactant is produced. Finger and toe nails form, and the baby continues to grow and create subcutaneous fat. During this time the baby is also able to open and close it's eyes.

How many weeks is the trimester?

First trimester: 0-12 weeks (so 12 total) Second trimester: 13-28 weeks (so 15 weeks total) Third trimester: 29 weeks-40 weeks (so 11 weeks total)

What were Shirley Temples babies name her first baby?

1st baby is Susan 2nd baby Lori 3rd baby Charles Alden Black Jr.

When does the 2nd trimester start?

Pregnancy actually begins two weeks before you conceive (when the egg fertilizes the sperm). You generally find out you are pregnant two weeks after you conceive, by this time you would be four weeks pregnant techinally alhthoug a lot of people may consider themselves to be only two weeks pregnant. The first trimester begins at the techinal week 1, before you are actually "pregnant" and have conceived. Weeks 1-12 are the weeks of your first trimester.

Is it safe to eat riped papaya during 2nd trimester?
