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Q: What is the waste product of a tapeworm?
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Body openings of a tapeworm have?

1, they eat and expel waste from the same opening.

What type of diseases a tapeworm carry does a tapeworm carry?

Tapeworms don't really carry diseases. They just take nutrients form your intestine and lay eggs inside you which escape through waste.

What is excretion of waste product in plants?

Oxygen comes out as waste product in plants during photosynthesis

What waste product exhaled from the lungs?

Carbon dioxide is the waste product exhaled from the lungs during respiration.

What do you call a tapeworm in a dog?

A tapeworm in a dog is called the same thing, a tapeworm. The most common kind of tapeworm found in dogs is the Dipylidium Caninum, which is the cucumber tapeworm or double-pore tapeworm.

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Waste Product

What are 2 waste products of muscles?

the are 3 different respirations but in aerobic the waste product is C02 in anaerobic the waste product from the muscles is lactic acid.

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The only waste product from cellular respiration is carbon dioxide.

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what hazardous waste list from the environmental protection agency identifies discarded commercial chemical product waste

What is a waste product of photosynthesis that organisms need for cellular respiration?

There are a handful of waste products that are products of a plant's respiration. Oxygen is one such waste product.

What organ is involved in the transfer of the waste product from cells to air?

The waste product is carbon dioxide and the lungs are responsible for this transfer