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There isn't a vaccine for impetigo, it's usually treated with topical ointments and oral antibiotics.

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Q: What is the vaccine for impetigo?
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Related questions

Is there a vaccine fo Impetigo?

Presently, there is no vaccine for Impetigo.

Is there a vaccine for impetigo?

I'm not sure, I had it once and all that happened was the doctor lanced it(opened it the get rid of the puss) then I had to take some sort of pills for it, I do know that it is deadly though, I should, I had it, lolz, but I have no idea, I need to know though, I'm doing a report on it for school, please post if there is, THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When was impetigo discovered?

when was Impetigo discovered

What is a bacterial skin infection with pustules that rupture and form crusts?

Impetigo :)

Is impetigo spreadable?

Yes, impetigo is spreadable.

What is the pills name that is used for impetigo?

Have no fear, Impetigo is here!! Retapamulin is a common impetigo drug.

What is rule out impetigo?

"Rule out impetigo" means make sure it's not impetigo, a bacterial infection of the skin.

What are the release dates for Impetigo - 1983?

Impetigo - 1983 was released on: USA: 1983

Can impetigo be transmitted from cats?

Impetigo is a bacterial infection that does not have the ability to be tranmitted from cats to humans. A person suffering from impetigo should visit their doctor for immediate treatment.

Impetigo scientific name and its meaning?

Impetigo is a bacterial disease often found in children that causes yellow sores. Impetigo comes from the Latin impeteremeaning "to attack".

What is the ICD-9 code for impetigo?

The ICD-9-CM code for Impetigo is 684.

Mild impetigo icd-9 code?

The ICD-9 code for mild impetigo is 684.