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Bile duct is the tube which connects liver to the alimentary canal

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Q: What is the tube which connects liver to the alimentary canal?
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Why is the liver not part of the alimentary canal?

Think of the alimentary canal as being a tube that carries and processes food. The liver processes/cleans blood and stores energy, and is not directly associated with the processing of food...therefore not part of the alimentary canal.

Can you show me a picture of the human alimentary canal?

The alimentary canal is a long hollow tube which runs from the mouth to the anus .Together with several other organs, including the liver and the pancreas, it makes up the digestive system.

What is the difference between the alimentary canal and the digestive canal?

The alimentary canal is just the tube that goes from the mouth to the anus. The digestive system includes that tube but also all of the physiology that occurs along the tube and the accessory organs actions and products.

Why is the alimentary canal often called a a tube within a tube?

The alimentary canal is another name for the digestive tract. It is a tubular system that starts at the mouth and ends at the anus. It is enclosed by the coelom, thus forming a tube within a tube.

What is the continuous tube from the mouth to the anus called?

alimentary canal

Continous tube from the mouth to the anus?

It called the 'digestive tract' or 'alimentary canal'. ...........................................................................................................................

What is the difference between the alimentary canal and the accessory digestive organs?

The alimentary canal is the tube going from the mouth to the anus. The accessory organs are the organs located along that canal which produce enzymes to aid the digestion process.

38 What is the name of the continuous tube from the mouth to the anus that is known as your digestive tract?

alimentary canal.

True or false the alimentary canal is a continuous tube from the mouth to the anus?

True. The alimentary canal, also known as the digestive tract, is a continuous tube that runs from the mouth to the anus. It includes organs such as the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

What is the layer of the alimentary tube that produces digestive secretions?

Diegestive secretions are secreated by wich layer of the almentary tube?

What is the correct sequence for the layers within the wall of the alimentary canal from inside to outside?

The layers of the alimentary tube wall are mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, and serosa.

The digestive tract is also called the alimentary canal?

The digestive tract is called alimentary canal because its parts form a long tube through which we absorb the nutrition in our food. The word "alimentary" comes from the Latin word for nourishment, alimentum.