Inward clearing is a term used in banking. This term describes when a bank receives one of their checks from another bank for processing.
It's not a word, it's a noise, captured in letters. Often used to describe the sound of someone clearing their throat.
cutting someones throat and pulling their tongue out through the hole. used for torture/murder by the columbians in wars
It's not a word, it's a noise, captured in letters. Often used to describe the sound of someone clearing their throat.
"Ahem" is widely popular. Depends how you hear it as."Ahem" sounds right to me after trying out a few options and seeing what they looked like. I then used "Ahem" in an email and it expressed just what I was looking for.-----------"Harrumph" is the word used for noisy clearing of the throat.-----------It depends on what sound you are targeting and if it is really important that such be expressed. If you were writing for 'Scrubs' or 'House' certain 'clearing of the throat sounds' demand a chest x-ray while others don't.Ahh... Ahh.. rouragraallaaa... arougraaluralmeans Heimlich manuever please!Ahem
The medical term ENT is used for diseases of the ear, nose and throat
The term 'close out' is usually used to describe the clearing of stock by means of a discount sale. It can also be used to describe an article bought at such a sale.
gladea clearingDeforestation- the clearing of forest lands (definition)
The gag reflex is a permanent reflex. It is used to clear a foreign body in the throat.
Baruach is the aramaic word for blessing, also used in Hebrew and Arabic. It is said bar-ru-ch (ch is pronounced as if clearing ur throat).
A rubber aspirator that looks like a little ball with a long, slender tip is used for getting a baby's nose and throat clear of mucous. Clearing mucous from a baby's nose helps the baby to breathe.