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Anything above 98.6 degrees F.

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Q: What is the temperature for a eleven year old when they are sick?
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What is the average age for a Japanese eleven year old?

The average age for a Japanese 11-year-old is 11 years old.

Would Cameron Boyce date a eleven year old?

An eleven year old is too young to date.

How does a eleven year old boy ask a eleven year old girl out?

Simply asking would be ideal

Is a 102.7 body temperature in a 12 year old child dangerous?

Not life threatening, but very sick.

What if the ELEVEN year old does not have erections but gets the feelings?

"the eleven year old" should not act on these feeling with anyone else.

What is the average height of an eleven year old?

the average height for an eleven year old is 52in. and weight is 77-79.2lbs.

Is a budgie a good pet for an eleven year old?

probably not cause they are really big birdds and if they got out of their cage the might hurt the eleven year old if the eleven year old opened the cage so no a budgie is not a really good pet fo r a eleven yaer old i would probably recomind a rabbit or a hamster something small for a eleven year old cause it would be a smaller pet for the elevn year old

Is it bad for an eleven year old to weigh 146.6?

Yes, very. Its not normal to have an eleven year old weigh over 120. So yes it is bad. The right weight for an eleven year old is in between 85 and 110.

Can an 8 year old get a temperature of 109 degree Fahrenheit?

it is possible to get that temp. at any age if you are sick enough

Is an eleven year old a preteen?

Yes and 11 year old is a preteen.

Can a seventeen year old boy date an eleven year old girl?

No a seventeen year old can not date a eleven year old. The reason why is because their is a very big age difference and that would be aganst that law

How much sodium should a eleven year old boy eat?

An eleven year old boy should have 2,300 mg a day