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Human tapeworms can be between 6 and 25 feet long. Some tapeworms that infest other hosts can be 50, even 100 feet long. I'm almost sure that this is correct.

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14y ago

the tapeworms usual weight is from 1 pound to 10 pounds depinding on the size

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What are worms in human stomuch and symtpms?

Tapeworms are the kind of worms that grow in a human stomach. The symptoms of having tapeworms are nausea, weakness, diarrhea and weight loss these can be treated.

How do tapeworm get energy?

Tapeworms basically get their energy from their host, gaining the nutrients people/animals get from food. They tend to make people lose weight due to the fact that they are leeching off all the nutrients you can get from food, which is why people/animals with tapeworms become thin, and lose weight.

Do acids in your stomach kill tapeworms?

No, stomach acids do not kill tapeworms. Tapeworms are adapted to the environment of the alimentary canal; if they were not, there would be no tapeworms.

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Are tapeworms and ringworms the same?

Tapeworms are a kind of flatworm. Most flatworms are not tapeworms.

Are Tapeworms and pseudo-tapeworms in the same Phylum?

Tapeworms are of the class Cestoda of the phylum Platyhelminthes.

Why are tapeworms dangerous?

Well they eat away what ever you eat, so you will stave to death or lose a great amount of weight.

Are tapeworms in cookie dough?

Yes tapeworms are in cookiedough but you have a very small chance of getting tapeworms from eating it...

Are tapeworms useful to humans?

No. tapeworms are pest to humans.

Which term refers to the killing of tapeworms?


Why don't tapeworms die out with medication?

Because of environmental contamination. Tapeworms shed eggs into the environment and those eggs then turn into the next generation of tapeworms. Treatment of tapeworms with medication only kill the adult tapeworms currently residing in that animal, but the environment and other animals remain a source of eggs and adult tapeworms.

Do tapeworms cause weight loss?

Tapeworms have been and is being utilized by some (brave or foolish, you decide) people. As of thir parasitic nature, they get nutrition from you and you would possibly be able to slim down by supporting a lot of these. Tapeworms may in animals cause drastic weight loss and in the end, the host dies. We humans are part of the animal kingdom, so I have no reason to believe they would increase your weight as in actual body mass. It is not something one should consider a miracle diet though. Unwanted complications may arise, although these may be rare.