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Q: What is the syndrome where actors think that they are the character they act as?
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What aspects of Juliet's character do you think are most apparent in this act?

she is scared, caring, and sad.

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Character creation is when you think of a character for a book/movie/play etc. and give them a personality, lifestyle, appearance, relationships and motivation Character development is how a character changes due to what is happening in the story.

Is Spongebob Square Pant GAY?

Sometimes I think Spongebob is GAY by the things he does but I think that's the way his character is suppose to act so maybe he is GAY.

Difference between personality actors and character actors?

I'm pretty sure that a personality actor is someone who can or does only play themselves (most of which are celebrities that have a cameo and just act themselves) and a character actor is someone who (like most actors) can and does play other people or 'characters'. I hope this helps

What would you consider when creating character for a short story?

You need to consider some of these things:what sort of character does your story need? A hero/heroine? A trickster? A sidekick? A villain?what character will do what you want to happen in the story?what does your character look like?what does your character act and talk like?how does your character think and believe?

What is the personality of a character?

Character is the aggregate of individual psychological features and traits that are manifested in the specific ways that an individual relates and reacts to others, to the environment.

Are they going to make more episode for the final act or make a new series?

i think that the series is over but i think that they are going to make the final act in English hopefully with the same actors from the first series

How do you let your character play you?

act like your character for a week

Is Tom and Jerry a nutcracker tale a good movie?

No, it sucks. No plot. Poor character development. And the actors can't act. Jerry is a complete tool.

Is Christian nice?

From actors who’ve worked with him yes. Despite one meltdown during grief, he is said to be well liked and an utmost professional to his craft. Method actors though often confuse others as they stay in character on sets and act as their character would, which can lead to misunderstandings or alienation.

Is Christians nice?

From actors who’ve worked with him yes. Despite one meltdown during grief, he is said to be well liked and an utmost professional to his craft. Method actors though often confuse others as they stay in character on sets and act as their character would, which can lead to misunderstandings or alienation.