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A single virus particle or virion comprises simply an inner core of nucleic acid surrounded by either one or two protective shells or capsidsmade of protein. The capsids are built from a number of identical protein subunits in a highly symmetrical arrangement., most usually either a 20 faced solid or icosahedron or as a spiral tube.

The nucleic acid at the core is called the genome and comprises a string of genes that contain coded instructions for making copies of the virus. Depending on virus type its nucleic acid can be either DNA in which there are 2 complimentary intertwined strands of nucleic acid (the double helix) or RNAconsisting of one single strand.

Viruses are the smallest known types of infection agent. They are approximately 50% to 1% of the size of the smallest bacteria from which they differ in having a much simpler structure as well as method of multiplication.

It is arguable scientifically whether viruses are truly living organisms or just a collection of molecules with the capability of self replication under favorable conditions? Their exclusive activity is to invade the cells of other organismswhich they then take over in order to create copies of themself. Outside living cells they are wholly inert and are incapable of activities typical of a life form such as metabolism.

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