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Rabies has a long incubation period, and many victims do not remember being attacked by an animal

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Q: What is the strongest evidence Dr Benitez presents in his letter to defend his theory?
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What is the strongest evidence dr. Benitez presents in his letter to defend his theory?

Rabies has a long incubation period, and many victims do not remember being attacked by an animal

What is the strongest evidence Dr Benitez in his letter to defend his theory?

Rabies has a long incubation period, and many victims do not remember being attacked by an animal

What is the strongest evidence dr.benitez presents in his letter to defend his theory?

Dr. Benitez presents compelling research data from a large-scale study involving over 10,000 participants that supports his theory. The statistical analysis indicates a strong correlation between the variables under investigation, providing robust evidence to back up his claims. Furthermore, the results demonstrate consistent patterns across different demographic groups, adding further credibility to his findings.

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There is no scientific evidence or claim that Shakeology can defend against cancer.

How would a crime scene investigator defend their investigation in a court of law?

they would defend themselves by using solid evidence they have collected throughout there investigation. Evidence must be creditable to accept in the court of law. Crime scene investigators in order to maintain reliability must be certain and take every step of collecting evidence seriously. In this factor, experts also used to defend evidence findings from a crime scene. As long as the proper steps taken to collect the evidence to be able to test it then the crime scene investigator has done his or her job. The steps that would fir protocol are chain of custody is the evidence discovered the chain of custody starts. This would include who discovered and collected the evidence where it discovered and how it collected with the time and date. You have the photographs evidence for the location of the crime scene. Where the evidence located on the crime scene and objects that may be of use as evidence. There is the collection of the evidence, which as long as the guidelines followed to the last letter and times and dates put on the package without contamination then the evidence presented in court. The evidence put in a controlled environment until trial. There is the expert witness testimony, which used to defend the evidence creditability and how it relates to the trial. The expert witness can explain the findings of the evidence to show it is link to the defendant in the case.

Why is it important to have evidence when trying to defend your argument?

Having evidence to support your argument adds credibility and persuasiveness to your stance. It shows that you have done your research and can back up your claims with facts or data. Evidence also helps you anticipate counterarguments and effectively respond to them.

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The strongest reason against independence was that the colonists would have to work very hard a creating a stable country. All aspects of how to fund the country, defend the country, and get recognition seemed all but impossible. The strongest reasoning for independence was that the country could gain their freedom and enjoy more of the amenities they were already working so hard to obtain.

What claim would most likely come from an argumentative essay rather than an explanatory essay?

"The government should implement stricter regulations on fast food advertising to combat rising rates of obesity and related health issues" would most likely come from an argumentative essay because it presents a debatable stance that requires evidence and reasoning to support and defend.

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The evidence that shows that Miss Withlaws genuinely likes moon shadow, is that she stands up to defend it against Mr. Deslow. She voices her opinions of it then.

How would one defend himself in a witch trial What evidence can be used that you are not a witch but a holy Christian?

You just say whatever fits the case>

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You need to hire an attorney who can review the title to the property, the reason for the lawsuit and provide evidence to defend your position.

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The role of a defense attorney is to represent and defend individuals or organizations who have been accused of a crime. This includes investigating the case, gathering evidence, negotiating plea deals, and representing their client in court. The defense attorney's ultimate goal is to ensure that their client receives a fair trial and the best possible outcome.