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The stimulus for a platelet formation is bleeding where the body automatically detects if there is a presence of bleeding inside or outside the body.

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Q: What is the stimulus for a platelet plug or blood clot to form?
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What is the medical terminology Combining form meaning blood clot?

Thrombo- (Greek = "blood clot") is the word-forming element that is used meaning blood clot. thrombophlebitis: blood clot + vein + inflammation thrombocyte: blood clot + cell (aka platelet) thrombocytopenia: blood clot + cell + lacking (low platelet count)

What are the 7 steps to the process of blood clot formation?

Vasoconstriction: The blood vessel constricts to reduce blood flow. Formation of platelet plug: Platelets stick together to form a plug at the site of injury. Coagulation cascade: Clotting factors are activated to form fibrin strands that reinforce the platelet plug. Clot formation: The fibrin strands strengthen the platelet plug, forming a stable blood clot.

What is the process where bleeding is stopped?

The process of stopping bleeding is called hemostasis. It involves vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels), formation of a platelet plug, and activation of the coagulation cascade to form a blood clot. Once the clot is formed, it helps seal the injured blood vessel and prevent further blood loss.

Describe briefly how platelets fibrin and red cells interact to form a lood clott?

Fibrin threads interlace the platelet plug to come up with a clot, which traps red blood cells.

What is the role of a platelet?

Platelets help your blood to clot.The blood is composed of 4 main things: white blood cells, red blood cells, blood platelets and the straw coloured fluid that they float in, called plasma.The function of blood platelets is to form a clot (scab) over the area that was cut, so that the blood doesn't keep oozing out of the cut.Blood platelets form clots.

What is the process of blood cloting?

Blood clotting, or coagulation, is a complex process that involves a series of steps starting with the constriction of blood vessels to reduce blood flow, platelet aggregation at the site of injury to form a plug, and the activation of clotting factors to form a fibrin clot that reinforces the platelet plug. Once the clot is formed, it helps to stop bleeding and facilitate tissue repair.

What are Blood coagulates to form a?

Clot, or scab.

The clear yellow liquid that remains after a blood clot form is the?

whole blood

Do platelets cause blood to clot or prevent blood to clot?

It release an Enzyme that changes fibrinogen ( a liquefied fibre ) in to fibrin ( a solid Fibre )

What is the function platelet?

platelets help in conversion of fibrinogen, a soluble plasma protein into insoluble form fibrin. The fibrin threads entangle with red blood cells and other platelets in the are of damaged tissue, ultimately forming a blood clot. When fibrinogen is transformed into fibrin and its fibires separate the underlying matter is called serum.

The process where bleeding is stopped?

The process of stopping bleeding is called hemostasis. It involves the constriction or narrowing of blood vessels, formation of a platelet plug to temporarily block the bleeding, and activation of the coagulation cascade to form a stable blood clot. This process is crucial for maintaining normal blood circulation and preventing excessive blood loss.

What componet in blood makes it clot?

Platelets and clotting factors in the blood work together to form a blood clot. Platelets are small cell fragments that help in clot formation, while clotting factors are proteins that help in the coagulation process. When there is a break in a blood vessel, platelets become activated and together with the clotting factors, they form a clot to stop the bleeding.