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Q: What is the standard cholesterol solution for the test for the presence of cholesterol?
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What is the reaction in Lieberman's burchard test for cholesterol?

In Lieberman's burchard test for cholesterol, the reaction involves the addition of acetic anhydride and concentrated sulfuric acid to a solution containing cholesterol. This results in a color change from red to green or blue-green, indicating the presence of cholesterol.

What does IKI solution test for?

IKI solution is used to test for the presence of starch. Starch will turn blue-black in the presence of IKI solution, indicating a positive test result for the presence of starch.

What are the roles of iodine solution copper ii sulphate solution and Benedict's solution in food test?

Iodine solution is used to test for the presence of starch in food. Copper II sulfate solution is used to test for the presence of proteins in food. Benedict's solution is used to test for the presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose, in food.

What is the difference between iodine solution and Benedict's solution?

Iodine solution is used to test for the presence of starch, turning blue-black in the presence of starch. Benedict's solution is used to test for reducing sugars such as glucose, turning from blue to brick red in the presence of reducing sugars.

Principles of lieberman-burchard test?

The Lieberman-Burchard test is a colorimetric test used to detect the presence of cholesterol. The test involves the addition of sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride to a sample containing cholesterol, resulting in a color change from red to green or blue if cholesterol is present. The test is sensitive and specific for cholesterol but cannot differentiate between different sterols.

What is used to test for presence of protein?

Biuret solution

What is the positive result and the importance of liebermann-burchard and salkowski tests?

The positive result of the Liebermann-Burchard test is a blue-green coloration, indicating the presence of cholesterol. This test is important for detecting the presence of cholesterol in biological samples, which can be indicative of certain diseases or conditions. The positive result of the Salkowski test is the formation of a red color when testing for the presence of sterols, including cholesterol. This test is valuable in identifying the presence of sterols in samples such as plant extracts or microbiological cultures, aiding in research and diagnostic purposes.

How can you test a solution for the presence of ba ions?

Add a sulfate solution: BaSO4 precipitates!

What is the medical relevance of heller's test?

Heller's test is commonly used to test for the presence of proteins in urine. The presence of albumin is indicated by formation of a white ring at the junction of the solution and a concentrate solution of nitric acid.

What is Benedicts solution used to test?

Benedict's solution is used to test for the presence of reducing sugars in a sample. It can identify the presence of glucose, fructose, maltose, and other reducing sugars by changing color when heated with the solution. The color change indicates the reducing sugar content in the sample.

What is used to test the presence of starch?

alcohol , iodine solution

What is Salkowski's test?

Salkowsk's test is a test for cholesterol;when concentrated sulfuric acid is added to a chloroform solution of cholesterol, the chloroform layer shows a red to blue color and the acid layer shows a green fluorescence.