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The atria and ventricles work together, alternately contracting and relaxing to pump blood through your heart. The electrical system of your heart is the power source that makes this possible. Your heartbeat is triggered by electrical impulses that travel down a special pathway through the heart.

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11y ago

If you listen to a heart beating, with a stethoscope, the sound is a gentle thumping sound.

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8y ago

Experts call the heart sounds "Lub" and "Dub".

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The closing of valves in the heart.

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Q: What is the sound of your heart beating?
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What does the beating sound of your heart come from?

The sound of a heart beat is caused by the closing of the valves in the heart.

What is the word that describes the sound of the heart beating?

The sound of a heart beat is usually described as a thump.

What sound does healthy heart make?

a beating noise.

How does the heart produce sound?

The heart makes soun by the beating heart and the resultant flow of blood through it.

What sound does a beating heart make?

lub dub lub dub

What parts of the heart make the beating sound?

The first heart sound, the so called "lub", comes from the closure of the atrioventricular valve. The second heart sound, the "dup", comes from the closure of the semilunar valve.

Is there any difference between the heart pumping blood and the heart beating?

Yes the "heart beat" is just the sound of the valves opening and closing, not the sound of the blood being pumped.

What does rub mean in medical terminology?

A "rub" is an abnormal heart sound caused by the heart beating against an inflamed pericardium or pleura.

What sound do hearts make?

Well if you had what doctors call a stethoscope, then surely you will notice that when the headphones of the stethoscope are on your ears and when the plastic disk is placed against the patients chest right toward the heart. Then you will hear the patients heart pumping like the beating drums. So there for the heart makes a low beating sound.

What pictures did the author leave in your mind in The Tale-Tell Heart?

Edgar Allan Poe left pictures of a heart beating rapidly underneth the floor causing the room he was buried in to shake and echo the sound of the beating heart while the police and him were in it.

How did Luke Bryan sister Die?

Her heart stopped beating.

What causes the sounds that are normally heard when listening to the heart through a stethoscope?

The sound is caused by the closing of valves in the heart.