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Q: What is the smell of fire?
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How does fire smell like?

It depends on what is on fire. If I were to be lighting a candle, I would smell burning wax. If paper were on fire, I'd smell burning paper. The scent of fire is really hard to explain. Maybe it smells like charcoal.

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What do you smell when you are in a fire?

In a fire, you may smell burning materials such as wood, plastic, fabric, or chemicals. The smell can be acrid, smoky, or like burning rubber, depending on what is burning. It is important to evacuate immediately and seek safety in case of a fire.

What words describe fire smell?


What does fire smell like?

Fire has a distinctive smell that is often described as a mixture of burning wood, paper, and other materials. It can be smoky, acrid, or pungent depending on what is burning.

Do dogs smell fire?

Yes, dogs have a strong sense of smell and can detect the scent of smoke from a fire. They may show signs of distress or alertness when they smell fire, depending on their training and temperament. It's always important to ensure your pet's safety during a fire emergency.

How come you can't smell fire but what it burns?

Because fire is just heat of what’s burning. Like fire on its own is noting. It’s not possible. Fire is just heat, but if you put that heat on wood it’ll smell like burning wood. same with meat and other stuff. Heat doesn’t have a smell.

What can cause your fingernails to smell burnt?

If you do not want your fingernails to smell burnt, do not light them on fire. proaly cus u lit ur fingers n fire

How do you get the smell of cat urine out of ceramic tile?

It goes away when you fire it the 2nd after painting. you wont smell after

Do fire extinguishers smell?

No. They emit no odor and of cause being inanimate object they can not smell things themselves.

How do you remove fire smoke smell from dryer?

With an ozone generator

What does fire smoke smell like?

It would depend on what is burning.