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Q: What is the second most commonly reported disorder after depression?
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Did Jeremy Brett experienced depression?

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The ISBN of The Second Great Depression - book - is 1591136881.

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The Second Great Depression - book - has 300 pages.

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SPOILER to the movie if you haven't seen it: Schizophrenia is often associated with hearing voices in the head. It has commonly (though incorrectly) been associated with multiple personality disorder. In fight club, the narrator has a multiple personality disorder such that as one person he doesn't remember what he does as a second person.

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Bipolar Disorder I know this because my mo is bipolar

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The second most commonly used vowel in English is "E".

Bipolar Disorder Affects Children?

In the study of child psychopathology the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder has worked its way to the forefront no longer affecting only adults and teens. Reported cases include children as young as 6 years old, however, there is much controversy surrounding these numbers. Many in the psychopathology field, including doctors and psych clinicians, believe there may be misdiagnoses.Bipolar DisorderAlso known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is described as a condition in which there are extreme mood swings or shifts. Although there are different types of bipolar disorder, all include cycles of depression and mania. The differences are:Bipolar 1 disorder consists of shifts between depression and mania with brief periods of normal moods between each extreme. Some children reportedly suffered less depression than mania.Bipolar 2 disorder consists of shifts between depression and mania with more periods of depression reported with less mania.Common depression symptoms in children who may be suffering from bipolar disorder include:Prolonged periods of sadness or irritabilityChanges in sleep patterns (too much, problems falling asleep)Difficulty focusingChanges in dietary habits (eating too much, no longer eating)Lack of interest in normal activities such as friends, games, sports or hobbiesLoss of energy or lethargicOngoing feelings of worthlessness or guilt Suicidal thoughts or talkRestlessness or a slowing in body movementsCommon manic symptoms of children who may be suffering from bipolar disorder include:Extreme periods of giddiness, silliness, or elation to extreme irritabilityNot sleeping, or sleeping very little over the course of daysFast talking, or jumping from one topic to the next quickly and without interruptionExtremely high levels of energyHypersexualityEasily distractedFeelings of greatness or grandiosityRisky or wild behavior, thrill-seekingIn some episodes of mania, the child may also suffer psychotic episodes including hallucinations or the hearing of voices not audible to those around them.How to Help a Child Suffering from Bipolar DisorderUntreated symptoms of bipolar disorder may lead to suicide attempts and even death. It's important to seek medical advice immediately. It's okay to seek a second opinion in the diagnosis process to insure proper diagnosis and treatment.f medication is prescribed, it is important to stay on schedule and watch and report any suspected side effects.Along with family therapy, inform the child's teachers of the situation so they know what to look for and monitor.Keeping a good routine both at home and at school benefits children who suffer from this disorder. Routines help to eliminate unnecessary stress in the child's life, as well as within the family and learning structure.