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Q: What is the root cause of bulimia and how is it treated?
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Related questions

The successful treatment of bulimia is dependent upon what factor?

Bulimia is treated most successfully when diagnosed early.

What happens if bulimia is not treated?

In worst cases death.

How does bulimia effect the kidneys?

Bulimia can cause Kidney Disorders from the overdoses of Laxatives

Are bruised temples cause from bulimia?

no, they are not.

How does exerise equipment cause bulimia?

Exercise equipment does not cause bulimia, low self-esteem and respect for your body causes bulimia. However, often times bulimics over-exercise in their attempt to lose weight, so exercise and bulimia can sometimes be paired together.

Can bulimia cause a late period?


Can you get really sick from bulimia?

Yes, all eating disorder can be deadly if not treated and cured.

How much does Demi Lovato weigh now and what did she weigh before she was treated for Bulimia?


What was the cause for the WW2?

While the numerous causes are complex and convoluted, the basic root cause was World War I and the inequity with which Germany was treated at the close.

What are the infections of an untreated root canal?

maggots will sometimes infect you teeth and cause severe swelling and pain. root canals must be treated extremely quickly.

What is the prognosis for bulimia nervosa?

There are many different outcomes for people with bulimia. Often, they can suffer some very serious medical complications and harm. Bulimia does have a high death rate, too. If treated, bulimics can make a full recovery, though.

When one should get bulimia treatment?

Bulimia is an eating disorder that is characterized by binging and purging. Once it is known that bulimia is present then treatment should be sought immediately. Bulimia can cause many health problems up to and including death.