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The male is in posession of the Testes, which produce sperm. Sperm can have either chromosone which results in the gender of the baby - X, or Y. You only need one Y chromosone for the child to result in a male, and two X for a female to be produced. There is a 50/50 chance of either. There are fewer sperm carrying X but they are faster than the sperm carrying Y, thus the chances even out. The female 'sex cell' or egg always carrys the X chromosone, thus only two pairings can result;

Female - XX

Male - XY

When the two nuclei of the egg and sperm cell unite, they form the Zygote, which divides and forms stem cells (Unspecialised cells found in the spinal cord in adult life), which specialise as the embryo grows.

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Q: What is the role of hormones in human reproduction?
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Hormones in human reproduction?

There are two main hormones that are responsible for the reproduction. For Men it is Testosterone and for Women it is Estrogen.

What is the main role of the ovaries and the testes in humans?

The main role of the ovaries in humans is to produce eggs and secrete sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone. The main role of the testes is to produce sperm and secrete testosterone. Both organs are essential for human reproduction.

What are human hormones?

Hormones that cause artificial cell reproduction, and make you grow. (Sorry I don't have much detail)

What are human growth hormones?

Hormones that cause artificial cell reproduction, and make you grow. (Sorry I don't have much detail)

What is the function of human ovaries?

The function of human ovaries is to produce eggs (ova) and hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Ovaries are responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle and are vital for reproduction.

What is the role of asexual reproduction in the human life cycle?

the major role of the reproductive system is to produce offsping.

What role do hormones play in human development?

they help women produce babys

What is the role of the Endocrine system in controlling human height?

I believe it has something to do with the production of hormones.

How many hormones is there?

There are dozens of hormones in the human body, each with specific functions that regulate various processes such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Some well-known hormones include insulin, cortisol, estrogen, testosterone, and adrenaline.

Describe its role in reproduction?

Its role in reproduction includes producing gametes (sperm or eggs), providing hormones that regulate the reproductive system, and facilitating the process of fertilization and pregnancy. The reproductive system is essential for passing on genetic information to offspring and ensuring the continuation of a species.

What is the total number of hormones in the human body?

There are approximately 50 different hormones in the human body. These hormones are produced and released by various glands and organs, and they play a crucial role in regulating numerous physiological processes and maintaining homeostasis.

What chemical substance that is produced in glands and help to regulate the body's functions are called what?

Hormones are chemical substances produced in glands that help to regulate the body's functions by acting as messengers in the bloodstream. They play a crucial role in processes like growth, metabolism, and reproduction.