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Anaerobic respiration plays a major role in keeping us alive like when your running around and you feel out of breath anaerobic respiration takes over and give your body energy when your lungs cant

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Q: What is the role of anaerobic respiration in living things?
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Related questions

What is the role of respiration in living things?

Anaerobic respiration plays a major role in keeping us alive like when your running around and you feel out of breath anaerobic respiration takes over and give your body energy when your lungs cant

What role does oxygen play in the ECT of aerobic respiration?

Anaerobic digestion means no oxygen.

Can enzymes respire?

Since enzymes, being proteins, do not fit the definition of living organisms, they do not respire. That having been said, enzymes do indeed play a vital role in the process of both aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration. They are not alive and so do not respire, but respiration could not occur without their help.

The appearance of what element on earth allowed life to flourish?

The appearance of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere allowed life to flourish by enabling aerobic respiration, a process that produces more energy for living organisms compared to anaerobic respiration. Oxygen also played a crucial role in the development of complex multicellular organisms.

What cellular organelle is most closely associated with cellular respiration?

The mitochondria is the organelle most closely associated with cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell due to their role in generating ATP through the process of cellular respiration.

What nonmetals in the atmosphere is both helpful and harmful to living things?

Oxygen is a nonmetal in the atmosphere that is essential for respiration in living things, making it helpful. On the other hand, ozone, which is also a nonmetal, can be harmful when found at ground level as a pollutant, but it plays a vital role in protecting living organisms from harmful UV radiation when found in the stratosphere.

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The role of a living thing in its habitat is known as the niche. This is mainly to facilitate interaction with other living things which forms the ecosystem.

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What is the role of the living thing in its habitat?

The role of a living thing in its habitat is known as the niche. This is mainly to facilitate interaction with other living things which forms the ecosystem.

What are the role of living things in carbon oxygen cycle?

Living things play a crucial role in the carbon-oxygen cycle by both consuming and producing these elements. Through processes like photosynthesis, plants and other producers take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which animals then use for respiration. When animals exhale, they release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere, completing the cycle.

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