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Answering "What is the right dose of insulin for 250mml blood suger?"


I am a type 1 diabetic, There is a simple mathematical calculation that you can do to get the exact amount to take that's right for YOUR body. I spent 11yrs swinging from high to low until I discovered this calculation at carb counting class given by a medical professional. I STRONGLY suggest you take a carb counting class it is VERY helpful! This is the example of the calculation: Your blood sugar # minus your GOAL # divided by your individual correction #= the amount to take to correct a high. A medical professional such as a carb class instructor or your Endocrinologist can help you to find your individual "correction factor #" so that you can apply this calculation to your everyday life. BELIEVE me it works! if you apply it!! and will help you a lot to matain better blood sugar control. It's definitely worth asking about!!!

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Q: What is the right dose of insulin for 250 mml blood sugar?
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What will happen if a diabetic injects and overdose of insulin?

Insulin reduces blood sugar. Taking too much insulin will drastically lower the body's blood sugar. Your body needs this glucose for fuel, and without it, it cannot function. A person with low blood sugar will start to have symptoms such as shaking, confusion, sweating, hunger, lightheadedness, and eventually will lose consciousness if their blood sugar does not rise. If their blood sugar drops too low, and is not treated, the person will die.

What corrective dose of insulin do I take if my blood sugar level is 17.0 from my pre meal measurement?

Your medical practitioner (doctor)will tell you this.

Diabetic fruity odor what to do?

That means you have ketones,check blood sugar and do ketone test,if necersary give another dose of short acting insulin,5 to 10 percent of daily dose

How does insulin effect blood sugar and how does this relate to type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Insulin helps to lower blood sugar levels by enabling cells to take in and use glucose for energy. In type 1 diabetes, the body doesn't produce insulin, so blood sugar levels remain high. In type 2 diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin's effects, leading to elevated blood sugar levels.

Do you give insulin if blood sugar level is abnormally high?

Yes, insulin is often prescribed if blood sugar levels are abnormally high in conditions like diabetes. Insulin helps to lower blood sugar levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells for energy. Consulting a healthcare provider is essential to determine the appropriate insulin dose and frequency based on individual circumstances.

How long does it take for insulin to regulate your blood sugar?

Depends how high the person's blood sugar is, and how fast-acting the insulin is. Insulin is sold in different types which range from rapid-acting (peak in 1 hour or less), to long-acting (peak effectiveness 8-10 hours after dose). Also, not all type-1 diabetics are entirely without the capacity to produce insulin, so it also depends on their own pancreatic islet cell capacity.

What is meant by the term contraindication or contraindicated?

Contraindicated means "not recommended" or "not indicated. "Contra" means "not". Often, with prescribing medications especially, certain drugs should not be prescribed together. Or, certain nursing actions would be contraindicated in certain situations. For example, a hospitalized patient is to receive insulin before breakfast. A nursing task is to test the blood sugar (or have the patient do the test) before administering insulin. If a blood sugar today was too low, the insulin would be contrindicated based on the low blood sugar. So the insulin is withheld, the doctor notified, and the BS is re-tested later in the day. If it was higher then, enough to require insulin, a new order would be needed with an exact dose to "cover" the new rise in blood sugar.

Why would the doctor suggest checking the patient's blood sugar levels?

He or she may want to check to see if you have diabetes.

How do you treated a patient that has been giving too much insulin?

When to much insulin is administered, the treatment depends on how large the dose of insulin is and how low the patient's blood sugar is. For patients with minorly low to moderately low blood sugar, the easiest treatment is to administer oral glucose (glucose gell, glucose tablets, etc...) for severe cases, glucagon is administered. Glucagon is a chemical that makes the patient's liver release large amounts of glucose. In the most severe cases (eg. attempted suicide) intravenous glucose is given.

Can you die from injecting insulin if you don't need it?

Yes, injecting insulin when you don't need it can cause dangerously low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), which can lead to seizures, unconsciousness, and even death if left untreated. It is essential to only use insulin under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Blood sugar eading of 257 what is emergency action to take for a type 2 diabetic?

If a person with type 2 diabetes has a blood sugar reading of 257 mg/dL, it is considered a high level and immediate action should be taken. Here are some steps to take: Drink water: Drinking water can help lower blood sugar levels. Take fast-acting insulin: If the person is taking insulin, they should take a dose of fast-acting insulin as prescribed by their doctor. #recommendation Check again in 15 minutes: After taking insulin, the person should check their blood sugar again in 15 minutes to see if it has decreased. Repeat as needed: If the blood sugar level is still high, the person may need to repeat the above steps or take additional insulin. Consult with a healthcare provider: If the person is unable to lower their blood sugar levels or if they experience symptoms such as confusion, drowsiness, or difficulty breathing, they should seek medical attention immediately. It is important for people with type 2 diabetes to closely monitor their blood sugar levels and take appropriate action to keep them within a target range set by their doctor #h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶w̶w̶w̶.̶d̶i̶g̶i̶s̶t̶o̶r̶e̶2̶4̶.̶c̶o̶m̶/̶r̶e̶d̶i̶r̶/̶3̶0̶7̶8̶8̶5̶/̶n̶a̶v̶e̶e̶n̶1̶2̶1̶/̶C̶A̶M̶P̶A̶I̶G̶N̶K̶E̶Y̶

What is the use for an insulin syringe?

The insulin syringe is marked in units of insulin. In the US most (I don't know if there is any other still distributed in US) insulin is U-100. U-100 will have 100 units per mL.So if you take 50 units of U-100 insulin, you are taking 1/2 mL. The syringe makes iteasy to take the number of units you need, with the needle made so the insulin won't clog in it, yet glide in easily into the skin. The insulin syringe is made to deliver the insulin dose just under the skin (subcutaneous) NOT into the muscle.