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to provide a counter stimulus to neurons

i hope this helped ^^

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Q: What is the response of an effector?
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Cells that carry out a response to a stimulus are called?

Effector cells.

What is the effector response?

Effector response is the phenomenon that occurs after the immune system recognizes a foreign organism. A variety of cells and molecules are then recruited to mount an appropriate response to eliminate or neutralize the organism.

What is the function of effector in a neuron?

The effector in a neuron is the structure that carries out the response generated by the neuron in order to stimulate a target such as a muscle or gland. Effector neurons transmit signals from the central nervous system to these targets to produce a specific physiological response.

What is the name of the neuron that contacts the effector organ?

The neuron that contacts the effector organ is called the motor neuron. It carries signals from the central nervous system to the muscles or glands, resulting in a response from the effector organ.

Is an effector of a skeletal muscle a somatic reflex?

Yes, the effector of a skeletal muscle is part of a somatic reflex. Somatic reflexes involve the contraction of skeletal muscles in response to a stimulus, and the effector in this case is the skeletal muscle itself that carries out the response.

The structure that brings about response in the nervous system?

The effector such as a muscle or gland brings about response in the nervous system.

What tissue is the effector when you get stabbed with a nail?

Muscle tissue would be the effector in this scenario, as it contracts and moves in response to the stimulus of getting stabbed with a nail.

How does effector relate to reflex arc?

An effector is a part of the body (such as a muscle or gland) that carries out the response in a reflex arc. In a reflex arc, when a stimulus is detected by a sensory receptor, a message is sent via a sensory neuron to the spinal cord, where it is processed, and then a message is sent via a motor neuron to the effector causing a response.

How do impulses move in response to a stimulus?

to the brain, then to the effector through the motor neuron

The response of an effector is?

The response of an effector is the action or change that it produces in response to a stimulus. Effectors are organs or structures in the body that carry out the response, such as muscles contracting in response to a nerve signal. This response helps to bring about homeostasis and maintain the body's internal balance.

Which of the following are parts of a feedback loop?

Stimulus: The initial event that triggers a response. Sensor: Detects changes or fluctuations in the environment. Control center: Processes information and coordinates a response. Effector: Produces a response to counteract the initial stimulus.

What is an example of an effector?

In biology, an effector is an organ that reacts to the external stimuli on receiving signals from the central nervous system. An example is when the adrenal gland secretes adrenaline in response to stress or danger.