Subgastric or hypogastric means below the stomach.The proper medical term to pertaining below the stomach is "sub-gastric"
Epidermal means pertaining to upon the surface of the skin.
The prefix is epi- means up or upon and -cardial means pertains to the heart. So the term is epicardial.
E. D. McCrea has written: 'The effect of stimulation of the vagi on the pyloric region of the stomach' -- subject(s): Stomach, Vagus nerve, Pylorus 'The nerves of the stomach and their relation to surgery' -- subject(s): Nerves, Surgery, Stomach 'The action of drugs upon the movements of the stomach' -- subject(s): Drugs, Stomach
Lumpectomy is lump removal. I know the answer sounds bogus, but it's true.
There is no specific term "stomach bed" related to human anatomy or physiology. It is possible that it may be a mistranslation or a term used in a different context. Can you provide more context or clarify your question?
It is a medical term more commonly known as morning wood. It happens to most men when they get an erection upon waking from sleep
Epiglottal or epiglottic means pertaining to above the glottis. Epi means upon; above plus glottic or glottal.
There are two options depending upon how severe the ulcer appears to be. If it is mild to moderate, the veterinarian may choose medical therapy, which consists of a short-term course of acid-reducing medication and antibiotics to clear out the bacteria causing the ulcers. If the ulcer is moderate to severe, the veterinarian may recommend emergency surgery to repair the hole in the stomach (if it has perforated), then add the medical treatment on top of surgery.
A Geordie is originally from the city of Newcastle upon Tyne in the northeast of England. The term is used to refer to people from this region and is often associated with the distinctive dialect and accent of the area.
As in general use, @ is often used for "at" in medical contexts.