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According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, a thyroid nodule is a lump in or on the thyroid gland. Any time a lump is discovered in thyroid tissue, the possibility for cancer needs to be considered. Fortunately, the vast majority of thyroid nodules tend to be benign. The AACE says nodules can be caused by a simple overgrowth of "normal" thyroid tissue, fluid-filled cysts, inflammation, or a tumor. For more information please read this related article: What Is a Thyroid Adenoma?

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Q: What is the purpsoe of nodules?
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Lymph Nodules can be either Primary Nodules or Secondary Nodules?

Yes, primary nodules don't have germinal centers(active B cells) while secondary nodules do.

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To make ATP.

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You have to decide this for yourself. We can’t answer it for you. Each of us finds the answer in his/her own way.

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No. Spleen nodules cannot grow in human or any other lungs. Spleen nodules grow on the spleen. There are nodules that do grow in the lungs, however.

What statement best describes the process that takes place in these nodules?

The nodules likely refer to thyroid nodules. The process within these nodules involves the formation of abnormal growths or lumps on the thyroid gland. These nodules can be benign or malignant and may affect thyroid function. Further evaluation, such as biopsy or imaging, may be needed to determine the nature of the nodules.

How are vocal cord nodules and polyps treated?

Nodules usually only require voice therapy; less than 5% of nodules require surgery

Are there any root nodules harbor in nitrogen fixing bacteria?

yes,there are root nodules

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