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The purpose of muscles in any animal is movement and locootion. For this purpose there are three types of muscles * Voluntary muscles(Striped muscles)-These muscle are connected to our limbs and other organs with the help of which we perform movements under our control. Our face is equipped with a large number of muscles that help us give expressions. * Involuntary muscles(Smooth muscles)-These are attached with visceral organs and other parts of body which are not under our control. Eg: Muscles of intestine which help in peristaltic motion of food down the GIT. * Cardiac muscles:-These are specialised muscle fibres found in heart. Their autorhythimicity and synctitial nature is necessary for the persistent heart beat without any tireness in the muscles.

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Q: What is the purpose of the muscles to the human body?
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There are three types of muscles found in the human body. The muscles found in the body are the visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles.

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There are 3 types of muscles in human body These are: Biceps, triceps, and cardiac muscles

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123 in the front of human body