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The propose of stomache muscles are to help pull down and digest food

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Q: What is the purpose of the muscles in the stomach?
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What muscles are same as stomach muscles?

Stomach muscles

What is the purpose of the muscle system?

Muscles allow the body to move. There is your basic answer. To give more information, you have three types of muscles. They are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles. Your skeletal muscles are attached to your skeletal system as the name implies. The smooth muscles are all muscles that aren't skeletal muscles or cardiac muscles such as your diaphragm, which controls breathing, and stomach, which causes the stomach's contraction and expansion. Your cardiac muscles control the heart's beat. So as far as the purpose of the muscles system, is to keep you alive. Without it, you could not move, digest food, or circulate blood throughout your body.

What is the purpose of the muscled system?

Muscles allow the body to move. There is your basic answer. To give more information, you have three types of muscles. They are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles. Your skeletal muscles are attached to your skeletal system as the name implies. The smooth muscles are all muscles that aren't skeletal muscles or cardiac muscles such as your diaphragm, which controls breathing, and stomach, which causes the stomach's contraction and expansion. Your cardiac muscles control the heart's beat. So as far as the purpose of the muscles system, is to keep you alive. Without it, you could not move, digest food, or circulate blood throughout your body.

These muscles can move food in your stomach?

these muscles can move in your stomach in not a referable question pleese comment

What is urnia?

you may be speaking of a Hurnia, an injury to the stomach muscles when the intestines come through the muscles of the stomach

What can you do to get stomach muscles?

do excerice

What is the stomach muscles?

an adbomas

Does stomach has muscles?

There are actually FOUR layers of muscle in the stomach.

Why the muscles of legs differ from muscles of the stomach?

You run or walk with your legs. Your stomach is used to break down food. The two have different muscles to complete different tasks.

What kinds of muscles does the stomach have?


What does stomach have?

Muscles, fat, and water.

Are stomach muscles voluntary or involuntary muscles?

It is most definitely involuntary. You do not have to make your stomach contract every time you eat something.