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Bicarbonate's main role is to help neutralize the very acidic contents coming out of the stomach and into the small intestine. This serves a protective role -- to help protect the lining of the small intestine from being eaten away -- as well as a functional one -- the digestive enzymes at work in the small intestine operate better at a higher pH (less acidic).

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10y ago

In the human body, bicarbonate keeps the blood within a certain pH range. It also carries carbon dioxide out of the circulatory system.

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The purpose of bicarbonate in the digestive process is to raise the PH of chyme. The pancreas release bicarbonate to neutralize acids.

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12y ago

Secretion of bicarbonate from epithelial cells is considered to be the primary mechanism by which the duodenal mucosa is protected from acid related injury.

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What organ is responsible for manufacturing and secreting digestive enzymes and bicarbonate?

I do believe it i the pancreas :)

Which organ secretes digestive enzymes and sodium bicarbonate?

The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and protease, as well as sodium bicarbonate to help neutralize stomach acid in the small intestine during digestion.

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Bicarbonate is found in baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), certain antacids, and some mineral waters. It is commonly used for baking, as a household cleaner, and to help with digestive issues.

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