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The purpose of a Capillary Tube is to

allow blood to complete a path between arteries and veins

permit oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed by cells

and provide a means for cell wastes to enter the blood stream

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13y ago

The capillary system carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and cells, where ultimately gas exchange occurs. (release of oxygen and uptake of carbon dioxide)

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12y ago

to draw water up a tube

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Q: What is the purpose of a capillary tube HVAC?
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the height of a capillary tube is not dependent on

Why mercury falls in capillary tube?

Mercury falls in a capillary tube due to the combination of capillary action and gravity. Capillary action is the tendency of a liquid to be drawn up into a narrow tube against the force of gravity. When the adhesive forces between the mercury and the walls of the capillary tube are greater than the cohesive forces within the mercury, the mercury will move downward in the tube.

Why is capillary tube fixed in Ostwalds viscometer?

The capillary tube is fixed in the Ostwalds viscometer is for passing the liquid.

What is the function of capillary tube?

The capillary tube is used on the inside of the refrigerators. It is a long copper tubing that is used as a thruster.

Derive an expression for expression for rise of liquid in a capillary tube?

deduce an expression for height of a liquid in capillary tube. also write practical applications of capillary action.

How can you measure the diameter of capillary tube by using vernier caliper in traveling microscope?

To measure the diameter of a capillary tube using a traveling microscope and vernier caliper, place the capillary tube on a flat surface. View the capillary tube through the traveling microscope to measure the external diameter. Then, use the vernier caliper to measure the internal diameter by gently inserting the capillary tube between the jaws of the caliper to get an accurate measurement. Subsequently, calculate the average diameter using the two measurements.

What is a narrow tube that is used as a metering device?

capillary tube

The narrow tube that is used as a metering device is a?

capillary tube.

What may be the trouble if a capillary tube unit frosts down the suction tube?

If a capillary tube unit frosts down the suction tube, it may indicate a restriction in the capillary tube, improper refrigerant charge, or a problem with the system's airflow. It is recommended to check for any blockages in the capillary tube, ensure the system has the correct refrigerant charge, and inspect the airflow to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

What is the purpose of a boiler that is used on the HVAC system?

The purpose is what it was without a HVAC system ... to make heat !

The rise of water in a narrow test tube is called?

The rise around the edges is called the meniscus, like capillary action this is caused by the adhesion of the liquid molecules to the walls of the container. In a large bore tube like a test tube or graduated cylinder this pulls up the edge and creates a concave meniscus, in a smaller bore tube this actually pulls the liquid toward the top of the tube.

What is a capillary tube in instrumentation terms?

a thermometer--