If the torsion is relieved within 24 hours, the testis will recover normal blood flow and function.
The medical term for twisting of the spermatic cord is testicular torsion. It is considered a medical emergency because it can result in decreased blood flow to the testicle and lead to tissue damage if not treated promptly. Symptoms include sudden onset of severe testicular pain and swelling.
Testicular torsion most commonly occurs in teenagers and young adults. The risk does decrease as the person ages, but this is because testicular torsion usually occurs during exercise and young men tend to exercise more than other age groups.
yes, though it depends in which context
If you have already had it, there is a high chance you are more prone to it and Torsion may happen again
Ouch! Yes!
There are actually several diseases of the gonads in human males. Some of these are testicular cancers, testicular torsion, hypogonadism, and epididymitis.
Yes, testicular torsion is usually very painful. It is a medical emergency that occurs when the spermatic cord becomes twisted, cutting off blood flow to the testicle. Immediate medical attention is needed to prevent serious damage or loss of the testicle.
This condition can lead to permanent damage if not treated quickly.
In adults, orchiopexy is most often done to treat testicular torsion
Testicular cancers are notoriously sensitive to chemotherapeutics. Ovarian cancers are also more difficult to diagnose and are usually caught at later stages.
to reposition undescended testes (orchiopexy); to correct testicular torsion ; to treat testicular cancer, which may involve removal of the testicles (castration) or the testes (orchiectomy); to treat traumatic injuries of the testicles; and.
testicular injury, sometimes a injury may cause the tissue to break.