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coracoid process

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Q: What is the process above the glenoid fossa that permits muscle attachment?
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What is the process above the glenoid cavity that permits muscle attachment?

Styloid process

Process above the glenoid cavity that permits muscle attachments?

coracoid process

The point of intersection for the sternocleidomastoid muscle is the?

The muscle is from your clavical to your skull. The insertion of the muscle it's attachment to the skull.

Is the head of the humerus laterally concave or convex?

The head of the humerus is laterally and medially convex. The medial convexity fits into the glenoid fossa, and the lateral convexity, the lesser tuberosity, provides a site for muscle attachment.

What is an attachment site for the temporalis?

The attachment site for the temporalis muscle is the coronoid process of the mandible. This muscle originates from the temporal fossa of the skull and inserts at the coronoid process, allowing it to participate in actions like elevating and retracting the mandible during activities such as chewing and speaking.

Function of Xiphoid process?

It provides an attachment point for the rectus abdominus muscle.

Is the distal attachment of a muscle the origin?

Origin is typically the proximal attachment of a muscle because it is the least moveable. The distal attachment is where a muscle inserts.

What is the term for the point of attachment where muscle connects to the bone it moves?

A tendon connects bone to muscle and a ligament connects bone to bone. The actual point of attachment where a muscle connects to a bone is called the process(n) of the bone. This is a bulge in the bone where muscle can attach to provide movement. Not all muscles will attach to bone via a bony process as described above, it may can sometimes by a fleshy attachment (e.g. sternocleidomastoid to clavicle). So broader terms are simple origin and insertion, origin being the attachment that tends to be fixed and insertion being the attachment that tends to move when the muscle is contracted.

Define the attachment points of muscle to bone?

The attachment points of muscles to bones are called tendons. Tendons are tough, fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone and allow the muscle to exert force on the bone, enabling movement. The point of attachment on the bone is typically referred to as the insertion point, while the point on the muscle where the tendon originates is called the origin.

Which muscle attachment is usually fixed or immovable?

What is the Orgin of a muscle, and the moveable part is the insertion

Which term describes a normal projection on the surface of a bone that serves as an attachment for muscles and tendons?

A bony prominence specifically designed for muscle and tendon attachment is known as a tuberosity.

What is the part of the bone that provides a place for muscle attachment?

Many bones have ridges and protuberances which provide an area for muscle attachment.